Good thought, wrong sub.
Yeah this ain’t a meme
This isn’t a meme
I feel like the caption doesn’t summarize the spirit of the quote. The indigenous folks cooked, told stories, made art, danced, fell in love, made enemies, had sports, and formed various unique cultures. There’s a lot of “doing” in a that. For me this reads as you don’t need to grind to make other people wealthy and collect a lot of plastic bullshit that Instagram convinced you was necessary for happiness. But like we’re all slowly, collectively realizing this right?
Why is this posted to memes? This sounds like a good way to live life. Stop chasing that next big promotion, or whatever status symbol you think will make you successful.
Just live and try do what makes you happy.
You can be successful in helping others and live one of the most fulfilling lives without needing to be rich*
*Disclaimer: This tends to be a lot more difficult when you’re born poor. If this is the case, try finding someone who isn’t, who is trying to live a fulfilling life.
Are western cultures not indigenous?
Or is this just more US defaultism?