LIKE_THIS ? And do i come of as some kinda culty weirdo ? I thought that looked formal and trademarky ? Am i a zoomer aldready out of touch and becoming cringe ? Should i change my accs to small letters but i’ll lose my block history whuch is almost 1000 /c/ any way to back that up ?
Edit : also to get ahead on that matter yes i may or may not have had FULL_CAPS alts and may have felt like a troll but no chained accs like that has ever been created by me . (By chained i meant same name on different instance i pulled the term out of my ass just now enjoy 😂)
Make me slightly uncomfortable. What do you want all that attention for? Why are you screaming your own name? Are you having an identity crisis?
I thought it looked formal and trademarky ?
Never has all caps looked formal, has it?
Business systems from the 80s used to automatically convert everything name related to caps. It made it easier to do string matching which was generally case sensitive in the DB. It also made data entry easier as you just turn capslock on and type.
No so much formal as lazy semi-formal.
Don’t all the things like lawyers, teachers, companies etc have theirs in caps ?
Short answer: no.
Looong one ? Also i remember you from somewhere else do you have an alt or DID or somethin ?
I’m all over the Fediverse under this name and also so could be either tbh. I did a lot of tech support in the early days of the big migration here :D
Ha so i am not crazy haha
I don’t see why anyone would use all caps
My CPA writes all his emails in all caps. Kind of annoying really.
It is only normal for the supervillain DOOM
I hear ya.
Madvillainy MF.
I idid’nt get it
Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man name
-lyrics of All Caps by the rapper MF DOOM
no. seems to be only used by a number of problematic accounts.
Huh i got that . So avoiding that issue should i change my accs ?
It is unusual and comes off similar to the way yelling your name in casual conversation would.
What to do about it is up to you.
If professional trademark is what you’re going for, I’m thinking you’re on the wrong site. LinkedIn might be more your style.
Lol linkden is peak place to troll
Ah, so that’s what you’re up to
Nah just sayin
It kind of makes you look like a troll from 2005 but snything goes these days, don’t worry about it.
Oh, I didn’t even realise usernames have distinct case. Neat.
If you really want to annoy people, go for aLtErNaTiNg mEmE cAsE.
Or or that full blue thing which i don’t know how to do
STOP yelling!
Now that you mention it, I should have gone with SPACE_NOODLE
Dude, if you want to do that, make accounts named after old mainframes. Like ENIAC, UNIVAC, FUJIC, etc.