Starts to make sense how some conspiracies come out when you get examples like this of people being blatantly ignorant of evidence right in front of their noses
In my experience it has less to do with stuff like this where people are just not looking close enough or are mistaken and more to do with the idea of them being wrong being impossible. Conspiracies that I interact with don’t even discuss evidence. Because they can’t be wrong and there’s no way to falsify their worldview.
A lot of it has to do with wanting to be superior. They have feelings of not having control so they tell themselves and each other that everyone else is stupid and being fooled but not them, they are the smart few, they know the truth, they are the in crowd.
This, in the post truth era, evidence is only useful to educated people that are willing. For most victims, we have to de program them first.
Every single discussion I have about climate ends with “yes, that’s one side of the argument, but who really knows what’s the truth”.
Motherfucker, you said something that’s false. I showed you you were wrong by a factor of several million. Where ever the exact truth lies, it’s way on the other side of the fucking moon from your standpoint.
Those same people do math incorrectly and shout at everyone else to do it their way.
It has become impossible to tell if these people are trolling, stupid, or both.
They’re missing the V because they pronounce over as “o’er”
Sphynx (SPHYNX) of black quartz judge my vow
Am I blind or is there no letter i?
yeah it’s Sphinx
Sphinx of Black Quartz, Judge My Vow
Am I blind or is there no letter f?
Edit: Yup, I’m blind.
*every known letter of the alphabet.
The implication that there are undiscovered letters creates excitement for the reader. Who knows what is out there!
My favorite is D2, the sequel to D
“If the letter D is so great why isn’t there a D2”
spits out drink
Social media folks