“it do be like that sometimes” is starting to lose it’s magic a little
Don’t know if it counts, but I often think about
when I face difficult situations.
Just the fuckin way she goes boys
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So we were all gonna have a good time and get drunk but now all the money’s gone into the VLTs so there’s no drinkin or gettin drunk or nothing is … how she goes, apparently
Trailer park boys, full of insight
Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn’t… Fuckin way she goes…
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
This resonated a lot with me during the pandemic shutdown.
“This too will pass”
True for both good and bad times. Good time? Enjoy it, since it will pass. Bad time? Endure it, it will pass.
I like its variant better: “This too shall pass.”
The way out is through.
Days of thunder?
I’ve actually never seen it, but I might just watch it this weekend.
It’ll sound cheesy, but “Don’t Go Hollow” is that phrase for me.
In 2019, I was hospitalized for suicidal ideation. When at in-patient, we didn’t get much to express ourselves. Every meal, we ate with plastic utensils and foam plates and cups for safety. I would carve that phrase into the cups, along with a bonfire.
“Don’t Go Hollow” goes back to Dark Souls. It’s a phrase that means something in the game world, but it’s also metaphorical. What’s an avatar without the player? It’s like a body without spirit. You’re not progressing in the game because you checked out. If you want to keep going, you need to be present, to keep trying.
Other ones that come to mind are “This is a moment. It will pass.” which I said in the showers that scared the fuck out of me, and “Fall down 7 times, get up 8.” “Let it rip,” from the Bear is another one I like.
My personal favorite is from Wheel of Time
“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive gloriously alive today”
Another good one from the same series is “We are always more afraid than we wish to be, but we can always be braver than we expect.”
”I can kill myself tomorrow."
Sometimes it means one thing, sometimes another.
There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live…the sum of all human wisdom will be contained in these two words: Wait and Hope.
Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
Shit piss cunt cocksucker shits fart dirty twat
This is probably a toxic one I learned from my teachers that time I tried learning Korean:
If it feels like you’re drowning it’s cause you haven’t died yet.
Damn Korean’s hard core
“Whatever happens, happens.”
- Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop.
It is a space anime with characters living quick and dangerous, but due to the way it is written, hand-animated, detailed, and grounded to a heavy extent, this one anime hits different as I age. It is itself targeting an older audience compared other blockbuster animes, but nevertheless it is one that keeps some aspects with you through the rewatches, but can also have substantial new feelings as you gain different life experiences. All of the main characters themselves have some kind of a past that is weighing them down through their current affairs, but their power to go on can be mostly summarized to living a life in limbo all the while trying to cope with it via simple tough-guy acts of trying to be indifferent to it.
It is not a good mantra that can be maintained for long. It is rather something that helps delaying the immediate feelings before the acceptance comes.
Not really a mantra, but I try to remind myself that the only thing that seems to be certain in life is change. If you’re in a shitty spot, just wait for the change. Will it be a change for the good or a change for the bad? You can’t always predict it, but it WILL change. Often, that means when I’m in a shitty mood or scenario, I wait for the change to happen in a more positive direction.
“Nothing changes if nothing changes”
My mantra is just rama rama rama. Meditation with a mantra helps a lot of you put in the work beforehand.
It sounds like you’re talking more about a motivational slogan, though. Mine is, “You don’t have to want it, you just have to do it.” It helps because it frees me from the tyranny of desire. I don’t need to figure out if I’m in the mood. I don’t need to trick myself into enjoying it. I can just do the thing and be done with it.
Relatedly, there’s a line from a favorite book, “Somebody has to and no one else will” with a similar vibe.
In my case it’s a mantra, because I say it out loud repeatedly.