As well as those others have already mentioned, I use:
Linguist is a translation extension that respects your privacy. If you switch to the Bergamot translator it acts in offline mode.
Redirector which allows you to set custom rules so you can redirect (for example) Twitter to Nitter, Instagram to PikUki and also rules to redirect pages that are behind paywalls via (or as 12ft is currently down) .
TamperMonkey a userscript manager. I don’t have loads of userscripts but I do have things like SocialFixer for making FB a bit better, Absolute Enable Right Click and Bandcamp Volume Bar.
As well as those others have already mentioned, I use:
Linguist is a translation extension that respects your privacy. If you switch to the Bergamot translator it acts in offline mode.
Redirector which allows you to set custom rules so you can redirect (for example) Twitter to Nitter, Instagram to PikUki and also rules to redirect pages that are behind paywalls via (or as 12ft is currently down) .
TamperMonkey a userscript manager. I don’t have loads of userscripts but I do have things like SocialFixer for making FB a bit better, Absolute Enable Right Click and Bandcamp Volume Bar.
ViolentMonkey as an open-source alternative for TamperMonkey.
Firefox now comes with an offline translator for major languages across all platform.