so anyways my ethics classes are going great im having a fun great awesome cool fun great poggers time
As much as we can accuse ethicists of living in the Moon, if there’s one thing worse than being an ethicist is not considering ethics at all. If you haven’t put at least a basic effort into rationally justifying your ethics, you end up choosing right or wrong based on vibes, including but not limited to positions such as “well life begins at conception so abortion is murder and always wrong”, “this moral flaw may have been minor but that person is CREEPY and that confirms my suspicion that they’re a MONSTER” and “noooo you cannot have a gender identity/sexual orientation that I don’t understand, you must be a deviant and a pervert”
Lol why would Mother Theresa be trying to convince people not to torture others? Her whole things was letting sick people suffer as much as possible to bring them closer to God.
Ooohhhh you’re turning into Chidi.
I had to look this up and Chidi is an obsessive(?) ethics professor from The Good Place. I should really get around to watching that show…
It’s really brilliant. Like, really really brilliant. I think you’ll appreciate as someone who’s studying ethics.
I’ve seen clips and a few trailers and it looks up my alley. Also fwiw I’m studying social and behavioral psychology, not ethics specifically. This is just one of the required classes and seemed the most interesting out of the classes I could choose from.
Oh yea. You’ll def love it when you have time to get to it. I envy you the opportunity to see it for the first time lol.
I don’t need to do ethics, I will simply not do bad things, it’s not hard
I feel like the main point of ethics is the introspection required to understand ones own prejudeces and definitions of moral right or wrongs claims of I will simpl y not do bad have very little meaning when the definition of bad isn’t elaborated on
Edit: I mean some people think being trans is a sin does it make it so? No. We like those transphobes who don’t bother knowing any better should be aware of potential misjudgements we may subconsciously make when not viewing the entire situation in a spectrum