One of the birds by the trail on a walk i did recently near Shelly Beach, Manly, Australia.
Apologies for the lower quality, it was taken with my phone.
How poisonous they are?
I’m not aware of them being poisonous. I wasn’t in fear of my safety at any time while near them and treated them like a chicken or turkey. When i did try and get close, they moved away a little and I wasn’t trying to pick it up or touch it, i don’t think anyone recommends that. If i did, i guess the worst I was have expected was a scratching.
Thanks, i’ve updated the title.
Rhodes, Sydney from like 2 days ago… fairly random of me to scroll this deep to see this post lol…
And yeah, I randomly stop and take photos of birds and turkeys… but I’m guessing who subs here and doesn’t?
For me if it was a magpie or cockatoo, i’d have kept on walking, but as it wasnt something i didnt see every day, the phone came out.
I’m pleased to say scrolling through my camera roll I ran into an ibis before running into a magpie…
I’m normal 😓
Scrunkly bird