I know there’s ways to reset the entire layout but I keep accidentally doing it. The attached images shows what I am talking about on the left.
Can I have my cum back?
Before you get an actual answer, we’re gonna need to know the goddamned context of the image you’re working on.
It’s for work
That “Tool Options” window you have open contains one tab, which is (also) called “Tool Options”. You can drag it (dragging the tab, not the window that it is inside of) on to any of the other tabs representing docked dialogs and the window will disappear and Tool Options will be docked as a tab there. By default the Tool Options dialog would be docked in the top right region where you currently have four docked dialogs (with Brushes selected). HTH.
The man in the photo reminds me a bit of Brutal Moose.
Maybe it’s just the facial hair. I feel like there’s a video of him in a similar stance/outfit
It’s probably the bag full of cum
Click on the “Tool Options” tab (not the window border) and drag it into the main toolbox (or whichever tool area you want).