Hey everyone.]
So update 98/99 has gone live which fixes the crashes (thanks for the reports).
I’m gearing up for a pretty sizable release but just wanted to check in and ask if there was any issues you’re having that I should know about or any new feature requests.
Sorry for the bad comms but I’m making my way through lots of messages and posts on here. Thanks for the patience as I get through these all.
Cheers, Lj
Umm… Redgifs stopped working
Dad please turn the porn back on
Fix is going live. I completely rewrote this part and should be able to fix it remotely in future without deploying a new apk.
Removed by mod
I’m partly colorblind and it’s super hard for me to see when I upvoted or downvoted a post. Just making the up or down arrow bolder (or circled) once it’s been clicked would fix the issue completely for me and all types of colorblind people.
Thank you for the great work 💛
Added support for the next release to change the colors.
Which view type are you using?
I’m not sure where to find which one I’m using. I use dark mode and the colors I’m having trouble with if the font is too thin or small are the orange and light blue. Changing the font weight or adding another style would also mean this is visible in night mode on Android (which removes all colors)
Edit : I investigated the viewtypes and they all have the same issue of using the same font size and weight, just using the orange/blue color for the number of upvotes and the selected arrow.
Edit 2 : increasing brightness helps a lot with the colors, but I’m mostly using Sync at night on minimum brightness.
The best way for you to visualize the issue would be to activate black and white night mode on Android :)
Thanks for the update.
Would allowing setting a custom color help?
Not sure how I would use that. Do you mean 2 custom colors to change both the default orange and blue? I can perfectly distinguish them when they’re on a bolder shape (🟠🔵), it’s just a lot harder (or sometimes impossible) on a thin line/symbol.
Again, the most efficient way to handle it would be to have a different style for the selected arrow (bolder, bigger, underlined or circled for example), on top of its color. It would then work as well in bedtime mode (b/w and low brightness) for everyone, not just for color blind people :)
I think bedtime mode activates by default on newer Android devices after 10pm when the phone is charging. That’s how mine (OnePlus) was set up.
I see my initial reply was upvoted about 30 times. Statistically speaking, I don’t think these would be only from color blind people
Hello, I’m a slut and I’d like to be able to upload NSFW pictures again ❣️
I’ll get that enabled again 🫡
Any option about block NSFW content during hours (work) instead of having to toggle on/off?
Just chiming in to say thanks for the update and all the hard work!
Changing default sort to hot does not stick for me.
Redgifs is broken (as is tradition) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Device information
Sync version: v23.11.29-22:27 Sync flavor: googlePlay Ultra user: false View type: Slides Push enabled: false Device: bluejay Model: Google Pixel 6a Android: 14
Fix for redgifs is going live now.
Yay, we’ll have redgifs accessible for 48 hours! After which I fully expect them to break it again
What will you do for the other 47 hours and 57 minutes?
I’m old, don’t shame my refractory period
Settings > Account settings > post sort?
You’re not gonna believe this man, but you can actually directly link to the setting ;)
By long pressing the option the link gets copied to your clipboard.
Sweet. That’s really good to know
deleted by creator
I can set it there but visiting my instance or my subscribed it still always sort by active instead of what I have set
Edit: I just notice that there is a save button . It works, when I save 😉
Did you change it here?
Settings > Account settings
Yeah, my problem was in just overlooking the save button at the top right of that page. Maybe a reminder if you leave without saving would help or make it autosave when a setting is changed.
The biggest thing I’d wish for is full markdown support, stuff like spoiler tags, superscript and tables is still not working properly and it would be nice if it did.
I also don’t know if this is a bug others experience or if I have messed something up on my device, but clicking community links sometimes opens up the link in browser instead of in Sync.
Finally, highlighting new comments on a thread re-visit would be a dream, but last I heard it wasn’t supported by the backend. But maybe an option to highlight comments made during the last X minutes as a sort of hack?
Noted, I think its probably time to completely replace the old markdown processor.
As for tables, how are they not working right?
Do you have an example of a link that opens the browser?
I think there were issues if tables got too wide IIRC. Tables are a bit of a nightmare to deal with though. I would also personally prefer to not hide the borders for better readability, but I guess that’s more of a preference and less of an issue.
For links, I have not been able to deduce a pattern. I usually test with the posts at !trendingcommunities@feddit.nl For a while I thought it was related to certain instances, but in today’s post one of the links going to lemmy.ca opened in browser and another in Sync. Very puzzling.
He lives!
I thought I made a post, but it didnt get any replies and doesnt show up on the community posts for me.
But I was running into some posts where the image fails to load, like this one
While the thumbnail sometimes loads, the image gives me that error.
Also been running into a lot of images that say “image was actually a webpage” or something along those lines.
That loads for me with no issue.
checking back on it now, it seems to be working again. Weird!
I’m eagerly waiting for separate upvote and downvote counters 😼 but let me know if you were only asking for features not discussed previously to shut up next time
Nothing to report or add, I just appreciate you!
(シ_ _)シ
Good to see you’re still alive! Looking forward to future updates and improvements.
Just wanted to say thanks for the post, even if it was a quick one to say releases are coming. I had been considering signing up for your paid version but was hesitant to pull the trigger because I feared the project had been abandoned. Since it’s not, I’m signing up now. Appreciate all the work you put into the app!
I have a feature request. Harmonic for hackernews has the option to open a url directly on archive.org, which I think is a pretty neat feature. Would it be possible to add this?
How would that work exactly?
Like this link https://google.com would open https://archive.org/details/google.com ?
You can use the wayback machine api to retrieve the latest snapshot of a particular url, which is useful to evade paywalls.
Perfect. I’ll add support.
I just tested with a random link and it’s exactly that.
Is there a way to make “deleted by user” stand out more as a system message? The current styling makes it look like they literally commented “deleted by user”
The only bug I’m having with Sync for Lemmy is that it does lots of wakelocks in the background, I had to set the app to restricted mode in the battery settings as a workaround.
I don’t know if this is because it tries to fetch notifications (a feature not available yet) or IDK.
Setting it up to “restricted” instead of “optimized” basically fixes idle issues, although I can see the app refresh a lot more than when it is optimized…
Sync for Reddit never had this issue, I always had it in optimized mode and it barely was active in the background.
Pictures for reference:
EDIT: I am experiencing this issue with AOSP, with MIUI I did not, but I’m guessing it is only because MIUI is more aggressive with apps in the background.
EDIT 2: Also I’m seeing a new gap just below the main post in the newest version 😅
I also noticed a gap, and I’m wondering if it’s where the ad banner is now. I really hope not and that this is just a visual bug, because it’s pretty glaring and distracting.
Sadly I just corroborated it, and yeah, it is an ad :/
Hopefully dev will get rid of it, I think it was enough with the ads in the main feed.
Even Boost ads are not that distracting.
What app did you use to detech wakelocks? The battery monitor tech in RealmeUI also complains when sync uses excessive battery in the background.
I did not mess around with wakelocks at the time of my comment, but I did now, if you are rooted check out the “App Manager” app, if you are not then I think you can accomplish the same through adb…
What I initially did was to just set the app to restricted mode within the battery settings in the stock config app.
Can you say how with adb? I can access Ashell with shizuku.
I’d love it if clicking on the thumbnail of an image opened the raw image, instead of the compressed view, so instead I have to go into the post and click the image there for full resolution. It’s especially noticeable for larger images with small text.