evil cops
You mean cops?
In the South Park game the “difficulty” setting is a slider that changes your skin tone.
It’s a fake slider. Cartman just say it will affect every aspect of your life, just not the game one. Still funny af.
Which South Park game has this?
I don’t remember it and I’m pretty sure I’ve played them all.
Either or both of stick of truth and fractured but whole. I can’t remember off the top of my head which, but it’s definitely there.
I don’t remember that in either one and I own both…
Maybe it’s time for a replay
Quick googling tells me they don’t affect gameplay at all. Being said, I really liked both games and wouldn’t ever tell anyone not to get another run in
realistic american cops is woke now? get outta here
Didn’t they have those in gta3?
Racism is an Easter egg in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Grand Theft Auto V.
Sounds like this will be the first for racial profiling by police, well if the denial of it happening in V is true.
racism is an easter egg. wow never thought I’d see those words together.
Sometimes, the cops will say “I only listen to white rappers”
I think that’s very funny and poignant satire. It’s racism of the most stupid and least consequential order.
They could have just left out the word “evil” there.
Anyway, never mind that - when are they doing a modern take on GTA London?
GTA London? What? Please explain.
They are referring to the standalone expansion set in London in the 1960s for GTA 1 (the top down one), if I’m not mistaken