the antivenom found in libraries is a woke socialist trap that will give you autism and aids and turn you into that guy waving giant pride flags with both hands while wearing nothing but a jock strap and a rainbow mohawk.
(alright, now I want a rainbow mohawk. I promise to wear more than just a jockstrap though, nobody wants to see that.)
That takes me back. A friend of mine back in high school came downtown with his head in a giant 2-foot spike straight up. I asked him how he did it and he replied, “Elmer’s Glue.”
But I don’t know that I’d want to put it in my hair every day after I showered yesterday’s off.
the antivenom found in libraries is a woke socialist trap that will give you autism and aids and turn you into that guy waving giant pride flags with both hands while wearing nothing but a jock strap and a rainbow mohawk.
(alright, now I want a rainbow mohawk. I promise to wear more than just a jockstrap though, nobody wants to see that.)
I just want a regular mohawk. Stupid hair that’s both curly and wavy.
IIRC from my highschool days. Elmers glue.
*this advice is not predicated on actual first hand knowledge. Just from some friends who liked liberty spikes.
That takes me back. A friend of mine back in high school came downtown with his head in a giant 2-foot spike straight up. I asked him how he did it and he replied, “Elmer’s Glue.”
But I don’t know that I’d want to put it in my hair every day after I showered yesterday’s off.
the good news is that Elmer’s white glue (PVA) is pretty much as unoffensive as glue gets.
I wouldn’t recommend gorilla glue… but then I saw that video…