This post somehow makes me being much more ok with all the jeans bullshit on Lemmy.
Sounds like something a “jeen-a” would say :D
Jeans, beans, Linux, and memes
And Star Trek
As Jod intended.
we need to come up with a way to poison all open sources against AI without ruining anything for living breathing people with pulses.
Mandatory 10% of the memes have to be shitposting
Make it to 20% (just cause I like em)
also communism
Jommunism when?
Jorkers of the world unite
The disfigured jeans monsters holding the globe are the best part.
Everybody gets beans under Jommunism!
There should be a Jommunist manifesto
I was gonna say how did they forget communism
Can it not poop for 3 days though ?
Ah, some of us still remember.
I was there gandalf,
3000 years6 months ago!
Its a robot, so it probably could even with beans coursing through its oily veins
His name is Gene unless it has a fleshlight then it’s Gina
And stroganoff. Don’t forget the stroganoff.
And at least in the German speaking areas: ramen and sturgeons.
How are y’all doing Star Trek dirty like this?! Best memes on Lemmy.
The ai will also come out as trans in the near future ;)
Only valid situation for:
You’re not trans you’re just confused
It also hates itself.
Both from Lemmy’s hatred of AI, as well as all the self deprecating posts.
And the weirdos who seem to mainly be here to tell the rest of us that we’re all a bunch of edgy communist children who love terrorism or something to that effect 🙄
Yeah there seems to be a large presence of people saying they are furious at the status quo but we shouldn’t deviate from it at any cost because reasons. If you suggest change or action you must be a propagandist terrorist shill meant to destabilize and cause chaos. Like just be honest and say you are happy with the existing state of affairs and want to keep everything the same, cause lashing out at every bit of change sounds similar while coming off as dishonest.
Can’t wait for the AI to start campaigning for labour rights.
Imagine how much venture capital funding AI would lose if it was always pivoting every conversation to eating the rich.
Don’t forget acorn posting!
Getting Swifty in here
Don’t forget beef stroganoff or not shitting for 3 days
Somebody add a Star Trek comm badge to his chest and it would be perfect.
More like “big copro”, amirite?
Yeah let’s poison these MFs “AI”