Disgruntled progressive activists and organizations have embarked on a campaign to push voters to mark themselves “uncommitted” in protest of Biden’s stance on the Israel-Hamas War.
With 95% of the expected vote tabulated, 70.5% of voters backed Biden while 19.0% went uncommitted, according to a tabulation by The Associated Press.
In Minnesota, more than 45,000 marked themselves “uncommitted” — a number greater than the margin by which Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in the state in 2016.
That’s great, hopefully he gets the message. Exactly how we should use primaries. That being said, the people not voting for Biden in the fall are ushering in a dictatorship that among other things will result in substantially more deaths in Palestine. Send a message, but stopping the GOP has to be the top priority.
I’ve spent a decent chunk of time “influencing without authority” in a corporate environment and learned very quickly that people won’t do things that they are not incentivized to do.
The “story” you are telling is weak as fuck. You are effectively saying that Biden can safely ignore primaries because the rest of the party will vote for him anyway.
If you want the lesser evil to improve or be replaced, you need to let the greater evil win. Otherwise, why would the lesser evil actually change?
The weak thing here is the person advocating on behalf of the greater evil. I’m amazed you were able to type that without immediately rethinking your position. Did you read it first?
We can still overthrow the greater evil after. The point is that Biden needs an incentive to change. If he doesn’t actually lose, there is no impact to him. He has no reason to change.
Jesus Christ dude open a history book. That ain’t how that story goes.
I agree, Americans are passive and uneducated
Spoken like someone who understands nothing about politics and America
Or the end of politics in America if Trump wins. Make no mistake he doesn’t intend to give up power if he gets it again…
How is it possible for Trump to be all-powerful in the presidency while we should ‘cut Biden some slack’ because ‘he doesn’t really have much power to change things for the better.’
First, I don’t like Biden. He’s your typical old school slimy politician.
But this has nothing to do with him and what he can or can’t do.
This is about putting someone who ACTIVELY wants to make himself a dictator like Putin in this country’s most powerful position. If you don’t think he can do serious damage… Most politicians at least publicly act like they are following the rules Trump won’t. He’s literally telling everybody so.
And you think your plan to leverage this over Biden will get you anywhere, The ruling elite, want Israel supported at all costs. They don’t really care whether it’s Trump or Biden.
So you’re fucked either way. Only thing you can do, is stop an aspiring dictator from sitting in that chair.
But, this is wasted typing, because you’re too “smart” to see the bigger picture and think you are accomplishing something.
Dude, just let evil win. We will overcome it like we always do. Remember how we overcame the last evil that reared its head? Sure there was a human toll but what is that compared to being principled for a few months before terror sets in?
You’re asking what’s the difference between a democracy and fascism? That’s that’s what you’re not understanding?
I’m asking what mechanism is available to Trump that would allow him to be all-powerful that isn’t also available to Biden. This is the same fallacious argument pointed out in Eco’s Ur Fascism, where fascists claim their enemy is both weak and strong at the same time, except applied to a political position rather than a specific person.
Can you make an actual argument without solely relying on emotionally charged abstract concepts?
Well, after a few of these uncommitted votes, he started changing. They invited Gantz, the VP is making public statements about Isreal going too far, the calls for ceasefire are growing more urgent, and I imagine more is on the table, and we’ll see the administrations stance continue to harden.
By your own reasoning, we don’t need to let the greater evil win because we’ve already incentivized the desired behavior and are seeing change unfolding.
The desired behavior is “an invite,” “public statements,” and “more urgent calls?” That’s the change you’re looking for?
It’s a step in the right direction… a few months ago, they were dully supporting the Israeli government. It’s a pretty fast turnaround considering the history of the relationship.
See now this is a solid reply. What would you do to continue that change after Biden wins?
Same as every day. Push left as best as can as the local level, keep volunteering for poll worker duty and funding candidates I fully support. This is a marathon.
And what about all those people that have their lives ruined by the greater evil? We’re just going to sacrifice them to send a message? That’s the only way you think you can influence Biden?
Not saying keep Trump, just let Biden lose. What’s your idea?
You should do some research on how our elections work. Best wishes!
So you don’t have an idea.
How prey tell do you expect us to not “keep Trump” if Biden loses?
He was impeached twice. We couldn’t get rid of him. He tried to overthrow an election in a bid to stay in power. He actively encouraged an attempted insurrection in clear violation of the constitution and any number of other laws. But the Supreme Court says he can run again. Because he put his choices in the Supreme Court. We can’t get rid of him.
When you put him in power, he uses that power to stay there at all costs. He uses that power to make sure that he experiences no consequences for the illegal and immoral shit he does. And every time Trump avoids punishment for his behavior, he is only emboldened to behave even worse.
I think you’re too worried about sending a message to Biden, and not accurately reflecting on what that message might cost.
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I said this in 2016 and I’ll say it again now: the sheer fuckin privilege on display here!
I mean, all you’re saying is fuck Mexican- and Muslim-Americans, and other minorities targeted by Trump, specifically gay and trans Americans more recently, because it might possibly, maybe make it so that your own personal political goals are easier to accomplish.
With little due respect, that opinion can go fuck itself in all its weak, moderate, selfishness.
Lmao I’m far from moderate. Also a non white immigrant but thx for the insight?
I literally called him the greater evil. I know he’s bad. I’m not saying we gotta keep em even for a day.
But I am saying Biden has no incentive to change. That’s actually all I am saying.
Or we’ll be decimated in a white terror
Either Biden gets this message now or he will lose in fall. That’s up to Biden to decide.
It is overwhelmingly clear that this is going to lose him the election if he continues. This is his choice not the voters.
It is literally 100% up to the voters who gets elected president
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Fair point, I did forget about that
Touché, good sir.
Not according to the DNC. Just ask Bernie Sanders. I remember 2016 & 2020.
I worked on the Bernie campaign. He lost. Progressives didn’t show up during the primaries and he didn’t get the votes. It wasn’t rigged or stolen, he just didn’t get enough support from the voters that showed up.
I do remember the democratic establishment hamstringing him at every opportunity in favor of Hilary, even though he had a wave of support the same way trump did.
Yeah and I think that’s a fair critique of the DNC. I just don’t see any evidence that it swung the election. At the end of the day, Bernie could’ve won if more people voted for him. They didn’t, so he didn’t.
lol ok. I also worked on Bernie’s campaign and that’s not how I remember it. Don’t be surprised when Trump wins because Biden refuses to acknowledge the Progressive voters. It won’t be rigged or stolen, it’ll be on the DNC for not offering appealing candidate.
So where did Bernie’s votes go then? Are you saying the results were wrong? Did the DNC prevent people from voting for Bernie during the primaries? The numbers would appear to support my position.
I don’t understand how you can say that Biden hasn’t acknowledged progressives. The IRA has a bunch of great climate stuff, he’s forgiven billions of student loans, and the NLRB has helped drive unionization efforts around the country.
Do you recall? Fellow Bernie campaigner lol.
So you completely ignore what I wrote and posted articles about something I’m not disputing?
How the fuck are people so angry at hearing this when this is exactly how we got 4 years of Donald Trump as president in the first place?
Doesn’t really make sense to let him lose though if your goal is to end the horror in Israel. Only Biden will even attempt at a ceasefire, Trump will just let the area be obliterated.
This your guy?
Joe Biden issues strident defence of refusal to call for ceasefire in Gaza
You’re right. The alternative is much better:
Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: ‘Gotta Finish the Problem’
That was three months ago. Try to keep up with the news.
‘We need a cease-fire,’ Biden says.
OP likes to keep the goalposts on wheels. Makes it easier to spread their nonsense and support the GOP.
Oh wow, did he stop his weapons deliveries to israel? Put any pressure on israel whatsoever?
Or is he trying to win votes from people stupid enough to believe empty words?
Based on news coverage, yes, this pressure is working and he seems to be pushing more to end the conflict.
Should he need the pressure? No. Would Trump be any better? No.
This pressure? From today:
World Food Programme says northern Gaza aid convoy blocked
What specific changes to US policy has Biden made that departs from past administrations? What is he doing that Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump wouldn’t be doing? And how would Trump improve that policy if he wins in the fall?
Specifics please.
Obama (Not much but it’s something)
What’s Trump going to different than Biden that’s the question. It’s looking like two sides of the same coin. Maybe you can focus your efforts on getting Biden to change that.
This is how we know you’re full of shit.
I like how you ignored the part about Trump doing much worse.
Yep OP and others trying to depress Dem turnout absolutely refuse to acknowledge that piece because it makes it incredibly clear that they’re full of shit.
Right. We should let the guy who said he’d kill the Palestinians even harder win. That’ll show Biden!
Obvious Russian agitprop is obvious. 🙄