which is why he’s actively pushing for trump to win so there is no more nato
like I said Russia can barely handle shitting their own pants. they can’t handle someone else shitting their pants too
News flash! One nation can’t win vs the strongest military country of the world + an entire continent of it’s allies!
Not only is this someone talking but it’s talking about postulating about someone else’s inner thoughts. Not an event, not a change. Not fucking news.
The Lithuanian foreign minister sums up the response thus far very well here.
“We declare red lines for ourselves, but not for Russia. We publicly tie our own hands while leaving Putin free to pillage, rape and destroy. We create strategic transparency, not strategic ambiguity. It’s time to change course.”
I know the Baltics have more skin in the game but I have to say politically they are playing an absolute blinder at the moment. Just hard spoken, no nonsense, absolute facts coming out of each of them along with such great support.
Hats off to them.
Nobody wants a war between NATO and Russia because in that scenario, everybody loses.
Russia wouldn’t win a ground conflict, but they’d sure-as-hell nuke the fuck out of every major city.
That would be the end of Russia and they know it.
It would also be the end of NATO and probably the rest of the world. That’s why it’s called mutually assured destruction. But it seems like recently policy makers are forgetting that
That’s exactly the point. Why would Russia send nukes if it knows it’ll be destroyed in retribution?
“Russia” as a whole wouldn’t want that. But there’s only one guy in charge of everything.
Because assholes gonna asshole
They know they can get a few off if they sacrafice a few Russian cities. Which Putin does not care about. He’ll watch them be vaporized if he thinks he can land a death blow on any major western powers.
Why not just launch them now then?
Why would he?
The poster said he would sacrifice a few cities to take down a western power. He could do that now.
Russia vs NATO might actually be a three day operation, at least in terms of the clash of armies.
Of course Russia’s nuclear arsenal is quite an effective deterrent.
No one would win a war between NATO and Russia. No one.
NATO has half a million troops. The largest navy and air force in the world. I like their chances
NATO has more troops than that. The united state alone has 2 million.
The largest air force in the world is the US Air Force. The second largest air force in the world is the US Navy.
I hear this all the time and it’s very subjective - I would argue the second largest is the US Army Aviation Branch - if you count helicopters have a lot more aircraft than the US Navy.
Also the Russian Air Force has more aircraft than the US Navy per most sources. I suspect the internet meme got the Navy and Army Aviation swapped around.
Helicopters are kind of hard to categorize since they are tactically somewhere between aircraft and ground forces. Most helicopters are in support rolls while most airplanes are in combat rolls. Helicopters in combat rolls also get used like they are really fast ground forces.
But yeah, I get what your saying about the subjectivity, and it’s true that my knowledge here is mostly from memes.
First, war is always a tragedy. Always. It is to be avoided until the reasonably plausible alternative is worse for human suffering. People who ignore this are asses (not saying you are one of them).
Second, as long as it stays conventional and China stays on the sidelines, then yes of course NATO destroys the Russian military, or at least keeps it hemmed into existing Russian territory. That’s been true for 30 years.
Third, those are VERY big ‘ifs’.
Russia is coming up on its half a million cassualties milestone. Would be the perfect time for the NATO half million to step in.
What is this numerology strategy lmao
Both sides have enough nukes to kill the entire human race several times over.
More like hundreds or maybe thousands of times over
Disagree. I seriously doubt that anyone would turn the key. I don’t think Russia could inflict enough losses to hurt NATO logistical operations and I think NATO would prioritize careful advancements to minimize casualties and give the Russian military a frog in the pot treatment. When they realize that its all over, it will be too late and I think we would see a russian revolution before then.
Doesn’t matter the tactics used, its corrupt politians measuring their dicks by using regular people as pawns on a chessboard.
if we are being honest, current russia couldnt stop china or US from taking over the far east if there were no nuclear weapons
The shareholders would absolutely win.
Whomever wipes Putin off the planet gets a blowjob.
I’m not entirely sure on that, because whatever intel he’s getting fed on there war, has to be the best horseshit ever. I don’t think that even Putin can ignore ~15.000 lost vehicles.
Meaning, he could very well believe he’d win.
When you have a madman threatening nuclear confrontation, when does the probability of a first strike that might prevent significant retaliation have fewer megadeaths than being the victim of a first strike? This is the problem with sustained nuclear sabre rattling. What if its taken seriously?
Let’s exercise to defuse the situation instead. This guy like the kid at school who shouts “fight fight fight” at school!
You know what would defuse the situation? Russia getting the fuck out of Ukraine for starters!
Dont worry if there is going to be ww3 you will be able to tell it the Russians yourself.
lmao, Russia would get absolutely stomped especially at this point. They are doomed to be a CCP vassal state.
They can’t even beat a smaller state like Ukraine, NATO would absolutely wreck what’s left of Putin’s shitty little kleptocracy.
All Russia could try to do is launch nukes but they would get glassed immediately.
You live in an insane fantasy world.
You and which army? Have compared just the numbers of not total military personal but actual combat infantry vs support troops. Look man if ww3 comes around everyone who can talk and walk will be drafted. Additionaly how will be Russia glasses? By outdated Minuteman? Ive read how agitators in russia were talking of a 3 day war with Ukraine. Now look yourself. 100.000 have died regardless of “side” and we are still at the borders of 2022 with all fancy NATO equipment. War aint piece of cake. And the people on the top aint gonna fight. Its us who they send.
Go watch all quiet on the western front.
A shitload of armies, wtf do you think NATO is? Also yes, even outdated nukes would do the job just fine: Nobody wins a nuclear war.
You’re right though, the war Putin has been choosing to wage for a decade now is horrific and he should withdraw the people he sent to die from all of Ukraine.
They should also return all of the children they kidnapped and be held accountable for the many, many war crimes that have been committed.
Dont worry if there is going to be ww3 you will be able to tell it the Russians yourself.
Maybe WW III has already started with cyber warfare and psyops where Putin has scored massive victories, effectively installing his useful idiot and taking almost half of the US population out.
Please volunteer at the front line 😀
I’ll be sure to bring extra ammo bb <3
That reminds me, I should donate to the Ukrainian defense effort again, thanks!
We’d all die
I’ve legitimately been curious about this. The nuclear arms race has been a threat for so long, do western countries really not have a mitigation strategy for them?
I assume we could shoot down any intercontinental weapons, and any airplane that entered allied airspace would immediately be shot down before it could drop a nuke.
Issue is that multiple countries have systems where it’s, “They launched nukes? We’ll launch all our nukes”
The mitigation is basically, “We will wipe you off the map if we think even ONE nuke is coming at us,” and this has nearly happened several times, only stopped because the system has a human at the final step, and humans when realizing they could end the world seem to hesitate
Intercontinental nukes basically can’t be shot down. This is because both sides can launch hundreds of rockets, each carrying multiple very small warheads. It’s basically impossible to intercept.
But can you not also just scale up the defense systems in parallel with the ballistic missiles carrying warheads? If we can expend billions for the construction of thousands of intercontinental missiles, can we then not also build tens of thousands of interceptors, maybe a handful for each potential incoming nuke?
This isn’t a new idea, it’s been around sinde Reagan, and the consensus is that it’s just non-viable.
Nowdays being a clown is really well paid
Rhetoric is spinning up, and there’s apparently more people on here that like the idea of a literal third world war than are against it. Manufacturing consent really is the name of the game.