”Today the ugliest danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences […] Erasing differences is erasing humanity.” —Pope Francis
”There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Jesus Christ.” —St. Paul
Came here looking for someone to have quoted this. I quote it to bigots all the time and it straight pisses them off.
I used it in a wedding between two men that I officiated.
Good use for it! My best friend is a former Baptist preacher who still occasionally preaches at different churches, and he likes to use it whenever that comes up.
Mind if I ask if it was a religious ceremony?
Not really, but both grooms gave me a verse to read and they pretty much gave me carte blanche for the rest of the ceremony.
Tell that to a slave, but I get the sentiment.
It’s a message of how things should be, not how things are.
It’s actually a message that all are welcome to be baptized, but people love to quote it out of context for the issue du jour.
The message was that Christian’s shouldn’t look down on slaves or see them as any lesser. I see it as calling people to act as John Brown, to not only free the slaves but to look at them as one’s full equals
Except for all the verses on how to properly punish and manage your slaves as well as detailing how slaves must serve their masters.
The book has a detailed record of how it considers slaves different from people.
Gender ideology, which seeks to blur differences between men and women through movements such as transgenderism, “makes everything the same,” Francis said.
No mate, your paedophile organisation is an actual danger, genocide in the name of religion is a danger, Christianity is a danger.
Trans people are not a danger. Non-binary people are not a danger.
How will the priests, bishops, cardinals etc. know who to molest if they can’t tell the boys from girls? And then what if they can’t? They just STOP molesting people? Then what? Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… MASS HYSTERIA!
Many many years ago, I saw a doco during a high school health class. It had stuff about gender identity, and included an interview from the 80’s with George Pell. He was ranting about how fashion these days was too androgynous, and you couldn’t tell the girls from the boys.
That was the first I ever heard from that man, and immediately disliked him.
Interesting to see where he ended up.
Google says he died in January 2023. So six feet under is where he ended up.
After he spent too long as a powerful pedo priest.
Seeing as how we’re talking about the Catholic Church, hysteria at Mass seems relevant. 😉
I know a Ghostbusters reference from a mile away…
If CPS agents sent by Greg Abbott come knocking on my door because some teacher at my kid’s school reports me for having a transgender kid, my non-binary ass will definitely be a danger.
I’m laughing hysterically at the people who downvoted you for making an objective statement of fact in our present day.
I’m upvoting this, not because I agree with it, but because it is relevant for this community. Like it or not (and I certainly don’t), the Catholic Church has massive global power. Knowing where they stand on this issue is important, especially since this Pope, seemingly, has been trying to appear more progressive.
Huh. Fascism is on the rise everywhere. The planet is being destroyed by greedy billionaires. People are struggling to pay for food. There are wars and genocides. But he thinks the ugliest danger is “gender ideology”, whatever that is.
And he says it erases differences. If “gender ideology” is being a non-bigot about gender, then that respects differences. What erases differences is forcing everyone to conform to only two set gender stereotypes.
It’s saddening that dogma prevents him seeing how dramatically advances in understanding and respect for gender have improved so many people’s lives. And it’s disappointing to see him align himself and his church with forces of oppression.
The Catholic church expressed clear support for Hitler’s Nazi party. It’s almost like shitbirds of a feather flock together to oppress minorities.
Mussolini made the Vatican a theocratic nation-state. It is baked into the cake.
The Vatican had a history of literally being a nation state long before Mussolini.
That may be true but it wasn’t in 1929 as the dictator was beginning to define the word fascism. Then Mussolini gave the vatican nationhood distinct from Italy.
Also weren’t eunuchs explicitly welcomed into the early church
It’s doubly sad because Christian teachings could actually be a good influence on people. Like that quote above shows, there’s good thoughts in there (alongside bullshit, of course.) When modern people, who respect science, develop a reflected and balanced faith, that can be a good thing. It’s just so damn rare, and the bigots are in charge
Exactly… Jesus Christ.
Thank goodness! I was starting to like the head of the Catholic Church for a second there. That’s better! No hate like Christian love, Frankie.
Said the leader of pedophile mafia.
Today the ugliest danger is
gender ideologyreligion.Always has been.
Aren’t there multiple genocides going on right now?
To be fair, genocide is nowhere near as bad as a man wearing a dress or something.
As asserted by a guy who chose a non-reproductive life of celibacy, hangs out with a bunch of fellas in dresses and bases his opinions on stories preceding the Dark Ages.
So maybe let’s not listen?
That’s RIGHT! GENDER IDEOLOGY is the Ugliest Danger! Says the man who Protects Child Abusers!
But think of the clergymen who are diddling boys that might accidentally diddle a trans boy! They might get PTSD or something! 😢
He said while wearing a beadazzled cloak, long skirt, and ballet flats.
Religion is a poison. Why can’t they just let people be
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I can’t believe there’s people giving 10% for a bunch of lies.
“It is very important that there is this meeting, this meeting between men and women, because today the ugliest danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences,” the pope said during an audience with members of the French-based academic organization Research and Anthropology of Vocations Institute (CRAV).
Gender ideology, which seeks to blur differences between men and women through movements such as transgenderism, “makes everything the same"
I mean…isn’t this a good thing? Why the fuck do men have to hold doors open for women, specifically? Why are women supposed to be the stay at home parents? Equality seems pretty fucking good tbh. I mean, good lord, men have nipples and that line on the scrotum because we start out as women while in development. The proto-ovaries descend to become testicles. We have some hormonal differences and some brain development differences, but we truly are not that different. Being seen as equals should be a thing we strive for. At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter who you fuck or what privates you have. We all only have one life on this planet, make the most of it. And be nice to other people while on this place.
Sure, it’s a good thing for people for whom these differences represent disadvantages. The Catholic Church, however, is a historical beneficiary (and cause) of the oppression of women, so blurring the line threatens that disadvantage.
Fuck the catholic church, tax the fuckers into non-existence.
“It is very important that there is this meeting, this meeting between men and women, because today the ugliest danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences,” the pope said during an audience with members of the French-based academic organization Research and Anthropology of Vocations Institute (CRAV).
He’s demanding that everyone conform to his narrow worldview… in the name of preserving our differences?
That’s some impressive mental gymnastics, even for a Pope.
Counter argument: Your organization raped thousands of kids repeatedly and covered it up repeatedly for decades, probably hundreds of years. Never mind all the other horrible shit the Catholic church has done, so uh, fuck off and leave trans people alone? Their lives are hard enough without your bullshit.