We need a new plagueGuess the millennials can cross that one off their list.
12 Monkeys predicted it in the 1990s, but got some parts wrong, like people banding together and living underground to find a cure. And time travel.
The time travel part is at least plausible.
Can I ask you something unrelated? I see you all over lemmy, commenting and posting on pretty much everything. Looking at your profile says you have over 25k submissions in 8 months, that is over 100 comments and/or posts per day.
Assuming you also sleep sometimes and have some sort of occupation and perhaps real life in some form, that leaves about 12-14 hours per day to post content, likely less.
How do you manage that? Honestly I’m amazed.
(If this is too personal feel free to ignore of course)
And an upright citizen defending democracy at every turn, too. Heroic.
It isn’t that impressive. 100 posts and comments a day is probably only a few hours a day.
Still a crazy amount, and none of it seems artificial.
To continue the math: 8 hours sleep, 1 hour for general household chores and cooking, another hour at least for eating (spread over the day), 2-4 hours for leisurely activities like spending time with the family, going for a run, pursuing a hobby. Then, assuming an occupation with normal hours, that’s another 8. Leaves 2-4 hours I haven’t accounted for, if it’s an on-site profession it also requires commuting for example.
Granted, during a few of these one could probably pull out the phone on occasion and browse Lemmy a bit, but still the sheer volume of
not low(?)effort submissions in that timeframe, over such a long period, is very impressive.
WFH, desk job, multiple monitors, remain sitting at the desk after work because fuck outside.
As someone tinkering with locally running LLMs with voice input and output, thank you sincerely, I will make use of these on the LLM side.
The last thing I need is a chipper AI assistant.
Please yes. Snarky and jaded LLM are the future.
I don’t get the one about needing a seamstress for your raiding party. What am I missing here?
Party balance is important
Gotta look good when you rape and pillage.
I’m sure that by “outsiders” you mean “people who go outside,” and I agree.
I’m staying in the bunker and not coming out until I can buy donuts again.
Donuts are the true sign of a civilized society.
Competeting fascist movements with chillingly few reasonable people “outside” is really hard for people who ascribe to a fascist movement.
I am saying Democrats are committing genocide and Republicans want to commit a genocide too. And too few are looking for another way.
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This is just a guide on how to speak Gamertongue