Yeah meta pulled a sneaky on them: “Dear Mrs. Boomer, we can show you pics of your distant relative’s babies for the feeble price of your soul.” “Where do I sign?”
And the FBI pulled a sneaky of them too: Gary Webb commuted suicide by shooting himself in the head. Twice.
Given that my mom is on it 24/7 doing the most dumb “personal quizzes” that probably got her account hacked, it seems like they’re going to take facebook to the grave at this rate.
imagine if they started using tiktok
Most of the videos will be blurry, black, or with a huge face close to the camera, while a vague “Linda is it recording?” mumbling heard
Just a single study, but found that boomers were better at identifying misinformation.
I’ve seen several to the opposite, that they were more susceptible to misinformation like Fox News
Boomers LOVE news
Also: TV on 16 hours a day even when nobody is watching it
One the favorite shopping channel
Facebook nuke them with notifications and sounds, keep them engaged and confused
So… Lemmy is for ageists turds just like twitter is for racists pieces of shit. 👍