Honestly? I’m having a love-hate-love-annoyed thing with Baulders Gate 3. It’s great but I have no fucking clue what I’m doing a lot of the time, the looting is so crucial and so so so slow, it’s glitchy, and I wasn’t googling things or using guides until I failed an entire area by triggering a timer I didn’t know about but I feel I have to use guides now because I don’t want to repeat that.
Also I’m peeved that I’ve either accidentally locked a romance option or it just glitched out altogether.
But still, having a good time. It’s a good game.
Currently in Act 2. I’m playing Durge but fighting my “nature”. I did not know what I was getting into until THAT ONE THING happened at camp. Luckily I save scummed and found a way around it and did the thing with the backup/stand-in which was better than the alternative but also kinda sad because I’m playing a base model Durge if you know what I mean.
It’s been a fun mental roleplay experience, I’m enjoying it but GODDAMN I hate checking 15 empty crates until finally finding one rotten carrot that I still am grateful for because I need that 1 gold.
Same for me my first playthrough. I was very confused and overwhelmed and missed tons of shit. But my second playthrough is much more a love love thing.
PC with an x-box controller. Holy cow thank you! If this works it will be a literal game changer. I hope it works on stuff just placed around and on the ground (the “pick up” vs loot). I’ll try it after work!
Honestly? I’m having a love-hate-love-annoyed thing with Baulders Gate 3. It’s great but I have no fucking clue what I’m doing a lot of the time, the looting is so crucial and so so so slow, it’s glitchy, and I wasn’t googling things or using guides until I failed an entire area by triggering a timer I didn’t know about but I feel I have to use guides now because I don’t want to repeat that.
Also I’m peeved that I’ve either accidentally locked a romance option or it just glitched out altogether.
But still, having a good time. It’s a good game.
Currently in Act 2. I’m playing Durge but fighting my “nature”. I did not know what I was getting into until THAT ONE THING happened at camp. Luckily I save scummed and found a way around it and did the thing with the backup/stand-in which was better than the alternative but also kinda sad because I’m playing a base model Durge if you know what I mean.
It’s been a fun mental roleplay experience, I’m enjoying it but GODDAMN I hate checking 15 empty crates until finally finding one rotten carrot that I still am grateful for because I need that 1 gold.
Same for me my first playthrough. I was very confused and overwhelmed and missed tons of shit. But my second playthrough is much more a love love thing.
There’s a bulk loot option. Not sure what you play on, but you should be able to Google it.
PC with an x-box controller. Holy cow thank you! If this works it will be a literal game changer. I hope it works on stuff just placed around and on the ground (the “pick up” vs loot). I’ll try it after work!