Here to share my battery life experience on a Pixel 8 Pro, it has been amazing so far with 8h+ of screen time consistently. Just got about 12h with about 10% left, was in battery saver starting from 15% (I am on GrapheneOS). All of this is with high resolution and 120Hz.
Do you have more battery screenshots but with 48-96 hours of standby?
I wonder how much SoT you can fit if you don’t charge the phone every day.
I used to charge my P5 every 3 nights but lately I do it every 2 nights, sometimes every night.
That being said. If I open Google maps just a few times per day (not even starting navigation), the standby time goes down like crazy.
I don’t have any but I got AccuBattery to track the stats overtime. I’ll probably make an updated post.