I can imagine… because neither the made-in-fong-kong, look-at-it-sideways-and-it-breaks bullcrap right-wingers in the US calls “libertarianism” nor the authentic and original socialist conception of the term leaves any room for anything that can be called “centrist.”
Look man, I’ll defend your right to say that stupid ass shit and make stupid ass assumptions about me, and I’ll defend it with my life, but you’re getting the Steve Harvey look right now…
Except it’s probably true. In the US centrist is usually used as a way go say between the two parties. In reality it’s used to say between capitalism and basically everything else. So groups like the democrats are on the right. The are what’s generally referred to as “right of center.” They are not in the center of the right, but just a little past centrist. And to he exact, they would be authoritarian right of center on the political compass.
The Republicans are further right and further into the authoritarian square.
So for you to be lib center, you would need to be to the left and further south from the democrats
Which means the dems are between you and the Republicans
But yet even though you’re closer to dems politically, you prefer the ones that are so far removed from you that you likely have little to nothing in common
Vs the dems who are closer to you politically
Feel free to make it make sense, but the majority of the time I see other Americans talk about being center or libertarian, they really mean right wing authoritarians who just want no taxes and sometimes legal weed
Edit: Also, “I’m giving you the look you’re giving me” is just “No u”. But k
Imminently relatable… I’m a centrist libertarian, and I’m not a fan of Dems, but I like current Republicans considerably less…
So you’re like a fish that can breathe in space?
Kinda feels that way :)
I can imagine… because neither the made-in-fong-kong, look-at-it-sideways-and-it-breaks bullcrap right-wingers in the US calls “libertarianism” nor the authentic and original socialist conception of the term leaves any room for anything that can be called “centrist.”
The Overton Window fucks all meaningful discourse on an axial basis
I’m purely about individual liberties for all individuals.
That makes me absolutely centrist, and in defiance of the societal definitions of the word “libertarian”, I’m using it in that specific context.
If you’ve got a better term, lay it on me :)
How do you define liberty?
Anarcho-Communist, if your goal is individual liberty for all individuals above all else.
Move left and get with the libertarian socialists, you can still shit on both and enjoy an internally consistent form of libertarianism. Win win!
So American “centrist”, but not actual centrist. Which means you’re the guy in the meme on the right
Pretty sure the implication is hand guy is a die hard Republican.
Ehhhhh I does just say right wing. So still fits.
Look man, I’ll defend your right to say that stupid ass shit and make stupid ass assumptions about me, and I’ll defend it with my life, but you’re getting the Steve Harvey look right now…
Except it’s probably true. In the US centrist is usually used as a way go say between the two parties. In reality it’s used to say between capitalism and basically everything else. So groups like the democrats are on the right. The are what’s generally referred to as “right of center.” They are not in the center of the right, but just a little past centrist. And to he exact, they would be authoritarian right of center on the political compass.
The Republicans are further right and further into the authoritarian square.
So for you to be lib center, you would need to be to the left and further south from the democrats
Which means the dems are between you and the Republicans
But yet even though you’re closer to dems politically, you prefer the ones that are so far removed from you that you likely have little to nothing in common
Vs the dems who are closer to you politically
Feel free to make it make sense, but the majority of the time I see other Americans talk about being center or libertarian, they really mean right wing authoritarians who just want no taxes and sometimes legal weed
Edit: Also, “I’m giving you the look you’re giving me” is just “No u”. But k
Same boat. Worst is the Tea Party people thinking I am one of them because I am “libertarian”.