If you do
neofetch > .bashrc
you will simply have a broken shell config. To addneofetch
to the bashrc you need to use echo.it is actually a 200 IQ meme. your average coomfiger doesnt know that much about shell scripting, but thinks they do.
or something. i definitely didnt get it wrong myself
2GB dotfile repo
being lost without vim keybinds
I use macOS btw
Why would you
pipeedit: redirect neofetch into your .bashrc?so that everytime you launch a terminal, your neofetch data is displayed. Because wow, neofetch!!!
It doesn’t really make sense, since the data would be outdated anyway if piped into .bashrc that way…
Akchually, binary prefixes are the one and only correct prefixes for counting digital size of information (GiB instead of GB).
i had i3 run with no problems on some of the worst machines I had to use. I’ll fight with anyone that claims i3 is bloat.
OpenBSD users:
Too smart for NixOS - LMAO! I bet this guy has a conky on his Blackbox.
Good old conky lol. Its like it was made to be a config playground, and the actual functionality was an afterthought.