I always found it interesting Zucc tapes his webcam up in photos. This is a man who gets NatSec briefings. What does he know that we don’t?
Arguably, the target on his back is quite a bit larger than on most other people’s.
He knows that software locks on cameras are not trustworthy. Everyone who wants to be certain that their laptop camera isn’t watching them should do the same.
Exactly why most companies buy laptops with physical covers (e.g. HP corporate laptops)
I always tape all of mine. Funny thing is, I don’t really care if someone gets a pic or vid of me jacking off. The microphone would be a much better way to get info of any value or to blackmail me. I never tried to tape off the mic, if I could even find it.
The head of the FBI was speaking to Congress and someone captured a moment when you could see his laptop and his camera was taped over.
Since then, I always advocate for something covering it when it’s not being used.
Corporate espionage is pretty big deal
I’d like to point out that thanks to Signal, WhatsApp has end-to-end encryption. So Zuckerberg likely wouldn’t be able to snoop the content of that message.
Use Signal if you want a more trustworthy replacement, it’s great! If you want something even better but less stable, check out simplex.chat.
if you’re a cool tech wizard use xmpp
if you’re a fever dream use Briar
if you’re from the future… is secushare nice?I have signal. A few friends have it. Nobody uses it
Depends on your circles I guess. In Germany it’s actually used quite a lot.
I am German
Zucc is now powerful enough that he can claim the ancient right of prima nocta on anyone who sends nudes on one of his platforms
I hate that cyborg so damn much
The most powerful lesbian
I use Signal btw
Dumb fucks.