This is a reminder that you must be at least 18 years old to access Lemmy World per their Terms of Service (ToS). Additionally, as moderators of this community, we are obliged to report violations of this rule, so we will have to report it to the admin team if a user in this community explicitly identifies as younger than 18 years old.

We have reached out to the admins requesting for a modification to the rules if ! were to adjust its rules to accommodate the needs of 16 and 17 year-olds. While they were understanding, it seems that the necessary changes are not possible at the moment. Therefore, unless the ToS change, if anyone identifies themselves as younger than 18 years old on !, we will have to report your account. We would hate for someone to get invested in this community, develop a bond, and then have it suddenly taken away. At the same time, we don’t want to jeopardize it by helping users violate terms and ultimately the trust we have with the admin team.

We appreciate your understanding and compliance with this matter.

! Mods

    1 year ago

    That’s why the fediverse is great. You can just move the community or users to a different instance with rules you agree with.

    I think LW is doing this because regulations in the US are getting wild as republicans freak out about kids learning stuff they don’t want them to. Solution: don’t use a US instance if you’re a kid.

    (IMO the whole thing is stupid, all it does is lock out kids from relatively safe space and end up on toxic places overseas. Lawmakers don’t understand the Internet, as usual)

      1 year ago

      As far as I can tell, isn’t a US instance and isn’t subject to US laws or politics.

      Their tos says “The website and the agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Republic of Finland Suomen.”