• Riccosuave@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Kissinger wasn’t a traitor for foreign pay against his adopted homeland.

    We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that one. Henry Kissinger is uniquely responsible for the modern quagmire of a relationship that exists between the United States and Israel.

    • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I am speaking of the US as Kissinger’s adopted homeland; he came here from Germany in 1938.

      Henry Kissinger is uniquely responsible for the modern quagmire of a relationship that exists between the United States and Israel.

      Lol. No.

      While I recognize a certain urge to acknowledge Henry Kissinger as satan himself, and can even sympathize with it to some degree, the reality is that he was just one man and you give him FAR too much singular credit as an individual, when there is more than enough to go around on all sides. You write as though Bibi himself does not exist, nor Hamas, nor the rest of the Arab states surrounding the war zone (each with their own angle to play trying to manipulate it to their own ends) nor the world community. And not just today’s cast of characters, but for the last 80+ years: everyone from Golda Meir to Yasser Arafat to Richard Nixon all up in that mess, even the Brits.

      LOTS of hands in that pie, Rico. Not just one country’s doing, much less one man’s.

      And to that end I would be remiss not to remind folks that Donald F. Trump STILL hasn’t answered for that nuke of a decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017 – going so far as to hold the fucking opening of the US embassy on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s statehood. I call it a “nuke of a decision” because it had exactly that effect on Israel and Palestine and the always tenuous peace that was ever there, and was done for no actual reason but that Bibi (allegedly) asked him to do so. If you want to name American names, then Trump is much more explosively relevant to today’s “quagmire” than anything Kissinger personally did or did not do, IMO, and certainly more recent.

      Oh, and lets forget about Abraham vs. Ishmael while we’re at it too, because religion has nothing to do with the US position on Israel. Nope, none at all, even though Congress is full of the corrupt trying to buy the christian god with favoritism toward Israel, all longing for the Second Coming. Through a serious twisting of their holy book, some are even openly working toward forcing the carpenter to schedule his return trip by manipulating world events: they figure if they start Armageddon he HAS to come back to save them from the world they are creating right now for the rest of us to bake in. And where is Armageddon allegedly scheduled to take place? The valley of Meggido, Israel.

      Kissinger didn’t do all that. He was just evil, not totally batshit crazy and thinking he could crowbar god almighty into changing his plane tickets for the Second Coming, lol.

      We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that one.

      Yeah. Completely. Works for me.

      • Riccosuave@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I agree with all of the things you said. However, Henry Kissinger was essentially the father of modern neo-conservative foreign policy, and those policies are largely what led to the manipulation of the United States government by AIPAC and the Israeli government. There are a multitude of other factors as you suggest, but don’t act for one second like Henry Kissinger wasn’t Jewish first and American second.

        • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          don’t act for one second like Henry Kissinger wasn’t Jewish first and American second.

          I wrote exactly as I believe: Kissinger was an evil opportunistic strategist first, and a human being second. Nationalities and opportunities were just the specifics.

          And you should brush up on your history: for example, during the Yom Kippur War, Kissinger was the one pressing Israel for more concessions to the Arabs, including land, and NOT the other way around. “Jewish first and American second” was not the hard and fast rule you believe it to be.