My favorite part is that he refuses to acknowledge being a citizen (or person or other legal fiction) of the United States but then invokes the United States constitution to argue for his rights.
Well, non-citizens are protected by the constitution, so that’s not the most crazy thing they’ve come up with.
It is always funny/interesting the contradictory opinions that sovcits hold, but I just want to point out that the rights granted by the Constitution apply to anyone in the US regardless of citizenship or legal status. This is a good thing. This guy has all the rights even if he did manage to become stateless, they just don’t apply how he thinks they do.
Isn’t that wonderful? Like it’s so insane it’s beautiful.
Everything else in our system is invalid, but RICO laws and mail fraud laws are all good. Good to know.
I just noticed he was too stupid to change any of the “Your name here” on the first letter. It reminds me of the Portal message “participants name must by the pride of participants home town”
“I am a natural born State Citizen of ‘State you were born in here’” lmao my man didn’t even try to proofread what he was sending
They have a million stupid templates for their letters on these groups. They’re extra hilarious.
We need to make some extra terrible ones and secretly distribute them to these groups
Entirely possible. Write some.
Yeah I had a mental stronk reading that
Written by someone with a sound mind for sure. Surprised they actually got a well written reply.
I wonder if they have sovcit reply form letters lol
Some of them do!
“I don’t want extra attention from the IRS, let me send them a letter that will surely cause them to pay less attention to me!”
That’s the best way to handle this.
Yes there’s trouble looming. It won’t be too long before the sov cit enters the find out stage.
“Private, this is not a public communication”
Posted on facebook. Whoops, now the magic won’t work, like when you say your wish out loud.
Wait, they didn’t even fill in their information in the fields!?
Well, perhaps they are really called ‘Your Name Here’, who are we to judge? Why bother filling the ‘By’ field if the form already states their name, that’s just redundant. Think of all the time saved!
I’m more confused about the 27th day of May 27. How exactly does that work?
Ya I’m thinking now they just posted the template to not show their own info. But 27th day of May 27 makes it sound like they’re in for a long year
I like the IRS jabbing the person by addressing them as “Taxpayer”.
It’s a little malicious compliance isn’t it lol
Man, the “Your name here” text at the bottom of their letter really makes it all come together.
I am rubber you are glue - this sovcit doesn’t recognise you!
Boogity Boogity boo - your ink isn’t blue, I’m a living person not accountable to you.
I’ll take all your benefits, ignore all your laws - get your hands off me, pig - you’ve got dirty paws!
Your authority I fought - and landed in court, I was tossed in prison - sovcit witchcraft isn’t a legal retort.
Hahahaha a sovcit poem.
Whenever I see sovcit I think “soviet citizen” lol
RICO laws, stocking laws
They even spelled stalking correctly the first time. Sheesh.
If these “sovereign citizens” want to play their so called make beleive they should renounce their united states citizenship and move to no mans land
It’d be funny to see how long they last then
I’m glad I don’t live in america, it’s full of fucking crazy and bigoted people
Sovcit about to find out being sovereign implies being able to nuke the IRS if you don’t want them to bother you.
IRS using a typewriter or what?