Being tolerant to intolerance leads to more intolerance. Being intolerant to intolerance does not lead to more intolerance.
It is not just OK, but necessary to be intolerant towards fascist ideologies.
Punch every Nazi. Every single one.
Also punch people who tell you not to punch Nazis. Those are Nazis
“If you punch a Nazi, the number of Nazis in the world remains the same!”
“Punch two.”
Batman oppresses crime and everybody thinks he’s cool, I don’t see why oppressing fascists should be any different
Batman is a billionaire vigilante that destroys half of Gotham every few days. What are you talking about. He would be the first to go full fascist.
No, you don’t understand, batman is rich so he is allowed to use violence.
For those interested on further reading, the paradox of tolerance:
I see this answer given a lot on reddit when this paradox is brought up so I’ll post it here too. There is no paradox of tolerance because tolerance is not a rule but a social contract. When someone is intolerant they have violated said social contract and thus are no longer covered by it and are not granted tolerance. We tolerate those who tolerate others.
It’s basically the copyleft of society.