I don’t get it, how does depositing a check become a police matter?
PS: It says cash first and deposit further down, I’m assuming deposit must be the correct part.Edit: PPS. I know there is racism and this happens in USA, but the amount of amateur hour from the Banks procedure, to the people working there and the police responding to a non issue is mind numbing for a person coming from Denmark, where banks are run professionally, and the police almost is too.
Racist bank employees made it a police matter when they assumed he was passing a fraudulent check and called to have the guy arrested for being a negro in possession of money.
But how do they “assume” this? And why does the police accept it without any evidence?
I mean the amateurish incompetence is staggering.Isn’t it normal procedure to deposit the check until it’s cleared?
First time hearing about America?
Wait until they hear about folks that get caught driving while black.
Or try voting. Or try electing representation. Or try owning firearms like the white folks.
Basically anything while trying to be black in America.
Working cotton should be ok
Or Basketball player
No, I know this happens, I just don’t get how the amateur hour process is allowed to continue?
I just don’t get how the amateur hour process is allowed to continue?
It’s the same generation in both images. The first image is Elizabeth Eckford, one of the first black students to enroll in Little Rock high school following desegregation in 1957. Notice that she’s surrounded by a crowd of angry white students. The second image is Donald Trump’s primary voting base.
How many generations ago was brutal, undiluted systemic racism accepted? ‘Bout 2.5. it takes a while to fix, given that segregationists instilled such strong feelings into their progeny. It’s easier to break something than to fix it, most especially when someone is actively working to obstruct the repair. It takes 2 seconds to pop a tire and 20 minutes to change.
it takes a while to fix
This is reality I know, but it’s unacceptable, this kind of racism needs to be punished harder, to make racists understand their behavior is unacceptable.
Sure but the people who would do the punishing are most likely also racist so it won’t happen
It sounds like you’re learning why segregation had to be ended at gunpoint. Literally.
Racists are trash, and trash doesn’t spontaneously turn to gold.
If a bank employee KNOWS someone is trying to deposit a fraudulent check, they should call the police to arrest that person instead of letting them leave and try again.
But they had no evidence, merely the racist assumption that a black man could not have come by that much money legally.
This is basically correct. If the check is from that particular bank they can easily call the person who wrote it and ask “did you write this check?”. But no one would do that for a deposit. If you work at a bank you can recognize your own checks just by looking at them.
If the check is for a different bank and looks really fake, a bank might not deposit it and ask some questions about it (“who gave it to you?”). This is to protect depositors from fake check scams (“deposit this check and give me back 10%”). If the person really wanted to deposit it, the bank employees might recommend cashing it at the bank listed on the check. They will know if it’s real.
I actually saw a similar situation to the one here. A black non-customer had a large denomination check that looked different from normal checks. After some questions, he said he got it from a settlement. It turned out that the check was fine, the check design was just not used often. Total time was like 20 minutes to verify the check, open the account, and deposit it. He said he would bring his next settlement check next time.
See? Easy to verify it and not be racist.
Simple they were racist fucks
Welcome to the origin of the “it’s illegal to [x] while black” meme. It’s illegal to drive while black. It’s illegal to have money while black. It’s illegal to eat chips while black. It’s illegal to sleep in your own bed while black. Etc, etc, etc… All of these are examples of times black people have been profiled and discriminated against for no reason other than the color of their skin.
First I heard was driving while black, because black people are stopped 10 times more frequently than whites. I know the term.
I was just pointing out that being racist and discriminating based on color is de facto illegal, while doing x while black is not.Guess who enforces the laws?
The racist police.
Don’t think it said anything about the police response other than that they were called to be fair.
why does the police accept it without any evidence?
“Will we get to beat someone up without consequences? Hell yeah, who cares if he did anything or not”
I mean, the cops killed George Floyd for using a counterfeit $20 bill at a convenience store in Minneapolis.
Detroit (where this happened) is just one state over.
Technically Michigan is two states over, with Wisconsin and Lake Michigan in between, excluding the UP
Nah. It came out later Floyd and the cop knew each other.
That’s what makes matters so complicated to try to address - e.g. sometimes cops are racist themselves, directly, but other times they are not and yet still any race-blind application of “enforcement” is going to merely reinforce the racist policies of society.
Aka systemic racism, covered in Criticsl Race Theory, which racists don’t want people to learn about.
In their “defense”, they don’t want people to learn much of anything, except obedience. :-(
Because: banking while black.
Yes, and being a banker and policeman while racist, which is actually illegal. Being black remains legal despite Republicans best efforts.
USA is an extremely scary place, especially for people of any color other than white.I’m a white guy in Texas. I keep being told I should be scared of all the Hispanic people coming over because there will be a taco truck on every corner and someone will sell me tamales during the week of winter we get.
It’s terrifying how many tacos I’ll eat.
I’m in Arizona, I get a little bit of that too. Taco truck on every corner? Sounds marvelous, sign me up!
Well put.
We use “cash a check” interchangeably with “deposit a check”
OK, weird since it’s not the same thing?
Well ok. They’re only used interchangeably one way, nobody deposits a check and leaves with the money, but they’ll go to “cash a check” and deposit it.
Well I cannot say what’s common in USA, but the literal meaning of cash seems to me to be getting literal cash in your hand. While deposit is to deposit it into an account, for withdrawal later, like when the check is cleared.
I’m guessing if people use those terms interchangeably, they are in error half the time.
IDK practices in USA, but here some checks can be cashed immediately when they are from trusted parties, like a bankers check, but AFAIK you still need to have an account with the bank to cash it.
That said both cash and checks are extremely rare here now, almost everything and everybody have gone electronic.
Paying cash above about 8K USD or 50k DKK is actually illegal now, to prevent money laundering.Do I really need to explain colloquialisms?
Next thing you know, the judge thinks this guy is full of bullshit for being black, then gets sued for racism, thus continuing the cycle
When he cashes the cheque for this incident he gets nabbed again and more lawsuits. His lawyer must love him.
Yeah imagine the call with his lawyer. “Hi, it’s me again. You’re not gonna fucking believe this.”
The lawyer gets probably 40-60% from every one of these. I bet they would love for the cycle of racism to never end.
Average take is 33%.
Maybe in the last few years/decades but many firms are raising their cut with trial expenses increasing and tax changes upping their base overhead, combined with the increase on the apr of the loans most of these “no cost unless we win” type firms rely on.
I’d give a customer a good discount on repeatable work in bulk.
More like infinite racism “glitch”
Infinite money sounds great, but if you activate this glitch the Law faction becomes hostile toward you and their aggro range is increased.
There is a similar cheat that you can activate with a cheat code, but your parents need to input the code on the title screen before starting your game. You’ll start in “New Game +” with huge bonuses to cash and influence. The Law faction becomes friendly toward you, and the MegaRich are neutral instead of hostile, and they’ll even forgive minor grievances sometimes.
I never learned the code so I can’t help much more than that. Sorry 😔
I started that way, it’s nice. You can still play on hard mode with the poverty debuff, but if you pick the right starting region it makes for a good game. Playing on dark mode with poverty debuff is just constant grinding with the level progression all fucked up, it’s kind of immersion breaking. You can get participation trophies that way though.
If you start with the cheat code you get a permanent culture debuff though.
True but the culture debuff makes you more likely to acquire the “unempathetic” trait which if your goal is a financial victory is a must.
That’s us server centrism
Is this how sovcits really started?
Bro just explained reality to us
Everyone gone woke nowadays.
Except the employer
And the police
Everyone except those in power gone woke somehow
And the cowards that anonymously threaten minorities and Democrats… But that’s it! Everyone else is wOkE!!!
This is an old meme. Does anyone know how that second lawsuit turned out?
I looked through some articles, then got distracted by the fact that Snopes fact checked Cracker Barrel racially segregating customers until 2004 and it being TRUE.
The best part? There was a falsity in the claim they were checking, that Cracker Barrel settled the lawsuit. No, they fought it and lost, lmao.
They dont call it cracker barrel for the crispbreads
It’s because they have a cracker barrel shotgun over the fireplace in the restaurants.
Smoking, white smoking, non, or black non?
I couldn’t find anything. Sauntore Thomas deposited the check elsewhere and planned to seek damages from TCF bank, but I couldn’t find anything about how that developed.
He didn’t need to sue them, just notify the fdic and they’ll threaten to pull their backing.
Oh, TCF is no longer because Huntington bought them out a while ago. They probably just gave him hush money then.
Wait, they still use cheques in America?!
They do! It’s like they never heard of EFTs. They also pay many of their bills manually, or even worse, some still mail a cheque in response to a bill they receive via snail mail.
As a CSR at a fuel company who regularly deals with many types of people:
It’s not “Americans haven’t heard of ach/eft”, it’s old Americans who refuse to use it.
I have multiple overly paranoid nutters who insist they must hand their check to my driver or some evil spirit will take their money from them in the night (these are not pleasant people in general, either, so I think it’s that they like forcing an interaction with their nasty asses on my driver’s)
Sometimes there are fees for card payments but not checks.
My last apartment complex charged like $20 to pay online vs no extra fee for getting a money order from the post office. No idea why
So many banks have a free bill pay service. They will mail a check on your behalf every month. You just have to set it up. No stupid fees.
could be because they use a service with fees for their online payments, but I suspect it’s also because they expect people to cough up a bit extra for the convenience.
I’m in Australia and where I live they’re required to have three options for paying rent. Two were incredibly inconvenient and one was online and had a fee. Pretty sure they’re just scumbags.
A lot of places are using a third party to handle online payments a d they are trying to pass on the cost of that to the payee.
For the simple reason they know a lot of people will pay em $20 not to have to go get a money order.
My quick search tells me this is basically the payment processors like Paypal, right? If I understand right, each of them takes a percent of each transaction. It’s often a very American sentiment to prefer a processor that has no middle man taking cuts.
This is a society that’s been convinced that credit cards save them money, rather than making money for billionaires
No, never. They use checks.
I know right? This would have been an electronic bank transfer here int he UK and I’m sure across Europe.
I can’t remember the last time I used a cheque. Maybe 10 or even 15 years ago? Even that was a random one off. I don’t even have a cheque book and would have to ask the bank especially if I wanted one.
That’s literally how it works in the US.
When I was last in California they still had the machine to take an imprint of your card’s numbers in restaurants. Had to check my phone to see what century I was in!
That said, there’s an eccentric car hire guy near here who still uses the machine. But then he has Elvis memorabilia all over his office.
I was at a Walgreens in California a few years ago and handed my card to the cashier. She stuck it in the machine, looked at it funny, the swiped it. Said she had to swipe it because it asked for a pin. She didn’t know that chip & pin is a thing.
I also had to sign a reciept when I used tap at a gas station in North Dakota. Stange place, the USA.
Funny, most credit cards in the last ~5 years don’t even have raised numbers anymore… Knuckle buster won’t do any good.
Last time I saw one was likely more than 20 years ago.
For large sums of money, it’s pretty common to use cashier’s checks, which is probably the kind of check that they’re talking about here.
Aren’t especially for large sums these very risky? I mean you could lose it or they won’t believe it’s real.
Cashiers checks aren’t risky. If the bank they deposit the check at doesn’t think it’s real, they could still deposit it with a check hold.
After that you wait until either the check clears or it gets rejected, and that usually comes with a fee. So banks probably don’t mind the extra fee income
While people don’t use them much, companies do. Both for payroll and bills etc. I work for a a MSP (managed service provider, basically a company that sells scalable IT to other companies) and the amount of check printer tickets we get isn’t small. Also for more shock, faxing is still often used as well.
Holy hell is faxing used by doctors/insurance companies. Luckily efax a lot of times now which is itself hilariously stupid, but plently of paper gets sent over the wire on a technology that is, no shit, from 1850.
Some technologies wish they could have been as persistent.
We’ve never used your weird ass check-ways
For inventing English you guys are horrible at it
It’s more of an older person thing but companies will send them for payments. Your employer will do a direct EFT though.
It isn’t uncommon for large sums. Things like down payments etc.
Older people tend to, it’s not that common. I think I’ve written like one or two checks in my life.
I’m not in America and as recently as a few years ago, I was aware of several companies who had cheque printer sheets from their bank which had something like 3-5 cheques per sheet. You’d load up a template and fill it out, run it through the printer and then just sign them and it’s all good.
I don’t see anyone using personal cheques anymore, but they’re still in use in business.
I had to get a tow from a shop in town I’d not heard of before. Strong chance its just the one dude who works there. He was really surprised I didn’t have a checkbook on me. I was surprised that he was surprised since I’m consistently told I look about 20. I have a checkbook for the rare occasion that I need it, but haven’t written a check since my final rent check before I got my house
I just wrote a personal check yesterday - bought a 20 year old minivan from the in-laws. But yeah, was the first time in years.
Depends on how you want to pay for your settlement.
I got a check during my lawsuit with my landlord.
yeah, but we also have Publix fried chicken, so it evens out 👌
I rarely see anyone under 40 using checks anymore. It’s really an older generation thing and they’re stuck in their ways.
They still get stressed out about manually balancing their checkbooks too. Even though it’s an obsolete skill now and the banks keep track of all of the transactions automatically for them
deleted by creator
I would keep doing this over and over. If the bank acted properly, you can just have them print a new check, then try elsewhere.
Infinite money glitch
Being born into an white upper class family is the real infinite money glitch.
You see, almost all of the “upper class” families are white, because gestures at all of history
Middle east oil family is pretty nice too, you should give it a try.
I hope he drives by that bank every single day just to smile pleasantly and wave.
What and get the cops called on him again?
Seems to have been working out for him so far
Infinite money but you can never check out
Don’t need to. I’d just make a bunch of IOUs backed by this infinite money and pay people in that. Eventually you could add some security measures to validate the IOUs are legitimate, and even allow people to exchange them between each other.
Infinite money glitch
Risk of getting shot increases with each iteration
Hey I had my bank do that to me once too, and I’m brownish of the navajo-german-irish-spain type, how can that litigious man prove that racism was the reason his bank wouldn’t accept the check?
A simple ‘is it cuz i’m Black?’
But I’m not black. The best way I can describe myself is a lot of people tell me I look like Sandra Bullock. And this bank cruelty happened to me too. One time the teller wouldn’t even let me take $100 out of my own bank account. He literally sent me away with nothing. anyway my point is, if the bank teller Is suspicious of an uncharacteristically huge check, from anyone no matter what color they are, they have the right to refuse service I suppose. I’ve experienced it. So I’m curious how this litigious guy is going to prove that racism was the reason the bank wouldn’t allow him to deposit that huge check.
Ah, I guess it’s a matter of being a legal pain in the ass to the bank by hiring a lawyer who makes the allegation probably through notices as well as court filing, and then you either battle it out in court or settle on the side
The scientific way would be to get a white guy to deposit a check of the same amount.
Hey, sounds good. Then also we’ll need a control group. So… someone of identical ethnicity to the bank teller 😄
Careful, you might get the caste wrong.
wait, now i’m curious what exactly is german-brown?
American ©®™
I’m mostly German & Irish but 12% Navajo, and somehow the Navajo came out strongest appearance-wise.
Infinite money glitch
There’s another glitch where you mass produce shitty guns and then take them to buybacks run by the server moderators. You need to be careful because the moderators will try to trick you into admitting that you made the guns for the buyback, which requires joining a manufacturer’s guild and you can get banned for it. You have to play it off like you just make them constantly and had them sitting around.
Uuh I was planning on scamming people by making low quality anvils but this works too.
You can also make copies of Ben Eater’s “world’s worst video card”, put it on a pcb with an isa slot and wait for goobers to buy them on ebay. As long as it can actually output video you don’t have to accept returns.
I’d pay good money for a working one.
Someone fabbing a PCB and selling it unpopulated would be great too
I was just joking kind of. I am a struggling computer engineering student always looking for ways to use my skills to earn a little extra income. What type of system compatibility would you need? Arduino compatible serial? Vintage AT motherboards? Some other thing like maybe a commander x16? If people really would be willing to buy homebrew graphics cards like that maybe I’ll look into it.
PCIe would be super impressive, I’m not sure that it could even be accomplished.
I think you would need to fab his entire stack to make it work. Unbreadboarded would be a super cool project and if that’s the space you want to work in, it would make a great portfolio item.