Money might not buy happiness, but it sure as hell solves a lot of problems that make people unhappy.
The question is whether someone has “enough” money. Until you can live comfortably, more money DOES buy more happiness. Once someone can comfortably live and engage with interests, more money doesn’t buy more happiness.
When someone says, “money doesn’t buy happiness.” what they’re actually saying is they have enough money and they do not understand how poverty works.
I used to be on medication for depression until I got a high-paying job. Turns out being poor was the root to most problems in my life.
Is it sarcasm?
Money doesn’t buy happiness.
What it does is eliminate and prevent most causes of human unhappiness, and practically all unhappiness based in meeting basic human needs.
And I’m sorry, but daddy not being proud of you or mommy dying young when you have means doesn’t equate to the misery of rooting through a dumpster out of hunger or having a pig kick you out of an underpass into the rain to die of exposure.
Money does not buy happiness. But poverty sure causes a lot of misery.
Money does buy happiness. A lot of happiness. I am happy as fuck.
You ever been so happy you had to say it out loud so everyone knows? Lol
No i have money. Having no monetary problems and the resulting bliss is happiness
I never said you didn’t, but to clarify, usually you don’t have to say it when you’re happy. I guess unless you’re doing the song and clapping your hands.
I just want to get rid of the whole saying. Money does buy happiness. People saying otherwise just don’t want you to be wealthy