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Best thing PH can do to force change. Take away the porn and people may actually get out and vote.
Anything to raise the bar for law abiding citizens.
Wait I thought it was the parents choice and responsibility…
Won’t someone think of the embryos that could be exposed to this smut?
Wait, wrong state. For now.
Yeah these people act like the Internet is where you’ll catch an indecent exposure charge. It’s actually a network I pay a bill to access. I’m not paying for any kid’s bills.
Pornhub should sue Texas for violating the Constitution.
Amendment 69: giggity
I thought they were blocking anyone from a state with one of those laws.
Here in NC they are. Had to get a VPN so I could access the site.
Edit: I stand corrected. I was thinking of youporn. Carry on.
Thought they did block it. I recall checking after I read about it. In Texas right now and no blocks here. So damn crazy
Louisiana was one of the first states to pass that kind of bill. They will ask for age verification if you’re on a wired connection, but not on a mobile one.
How is that supposed to work with stuff like hotel WiFi? Will they need to block all porn in their Wi-Fi networks?
They mean “mobile internet” not “wifi” (e.g. Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.). It’s easy for them to detect the ISP and selectively block, since non-mobile ISP’s are basically government-sanctioned monopolies in most of the country.
I’m not sure how it works in hotels. I guess it’s handled the same way as home WiFi, which is that it asks for ID
Nope 🤪
I see the tactic. I’m guessing they’re going to start suing every pornographic platform into oblivion.
I’m also guessing they’ll give that money to certain denominations, so it can be used to line the coffers of perverted doom preachers, who diddle the underaged of their congregation.
Fitting how the money would be taken from the ethical porn makers and given to a child raper.
Welcome to Texas, y’all.
Bye Texas!
yt-dlp your favorites before you can’t access them!
Wait… yt-dlp works on ph?
Have a look at the supported sites list. It’s pretty incredible.
My God. It’s all mine now.
And thus a datahoarder is born
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Control sex, control women, control the masses. This is the blueprint for religion and the reason it exists. They’re just applying the template to the government now.
Oh no! Please don’t hurt pornhub!