I mean we can probably all visualize the person who had that tattoo and “foreign pervert” probably fits them perfectly.
straightens fedora; leans on sheathed katana like a cane, from underneath a long trenchcoat
To be fair, those kind of mean the same thing
Wasn’t a tattoo, but a motorcycle decal. This dude had a Kawasaki crotch rocket with five kanji characters on it. Posted it to a forum, and this weeb says “lol where’d you get that?” dude answers all defensively “From the mall, why?” Weeb says “It says pig bird pig lizard dog.” “No dude, it says N-I-N-J-A.” He thought kanji characters translated directly to the latin alphabet.
This is my favourite. 痔 means haemorrhoid. Presumably it was meant to say 侍, samurai.
Why would you presume that? Maybe they’re suffering and trying to raise awareness.
Maybe he’s a 痔 侍, haemorrhoid samurai, bringing awareness and defending those with inflamed bottoms
Not really related, but a couple of years ago in my home country, a Western bloke was actually pictured on the internet wearing a shirt that said something like “白人很笨” (white people are stupid).
Where I live, we get a number of used vehicles imported from Japan, and for a while it was trendy to have English slogans on vehicles.
They frequently made little sense, I imagine our ones look the same to them.
Obligatory do not go to a tattoo parlor and ask them to tattoo something derogatory in their native language as a joke. At worst you’ll severely offend them and at best they’ll be extremely reluctant to do it because it could get them in serious trouble and thrash their reputation. I promise you it’s nowhere near as funny as the internet would have you believe and it won’t be taken well by a vast majority of tattoo artists.
How about ‘never get a tattoo’. Full stop.
You do you. I have none myself and am unlikely to ever get one. But I’m pro-choice on it. For adults. Kids should stick with ruining their hair, because it’s a non-permanent way to experience regret. Could probably lead to better choices about tattoos later. Piercings, too.
Why? Are you allergic to fun or something?