Teehee bruh~ ;3 💀
Lmao nya 💀 ;3
you two have a thing going?
(sorry if I’m being indiscreet; you don’t have to answer)
I don’t really understand what you mean here but no, nothing like that
see? i called it
you two really have a thing going now, the unofficial 196 matrix room, right?
what are you talking about dude, I just opened a space for anyone to come chat? I’m not in any kind of relationship and no weird chatting is going? quit with this creepy obsessiveness, am I not allowed to talk to anyone as a friend?
ayy lmao 👽
Came to earth in a silver chrome UFO
To probe your ass and see how deep it can go
Gain a boost when I merge my mind with my bro
Ayy lmao 👽
As a hetero cisgender Ally, This is part of the reason I get along better with transfem friends! The whole “yo I’m a masculine man hoo-rah” thing has always annoyed me. Cuteness all the way!!
Awh <3
Why I not female
Like wtfff Devs pls fix
i think the character selection scene wasnt selected in the unity build settings, please fix
Maybe it just completely skipped the character selection scene… Like the main game was set as the startinig scene instead of the start screen, and so it defaulted to male?
ngl I love both >:3
Why’d they put tits on a child 🤨
How do you tell it’s a child
Genuinely tho, can someone tell me how? Anime character have ageless faces as the standard, even anime parodies make fun of this.
If someone drew my partner, who is a very well proportioned 5ft nada, with a generic anime style, the ageless result would look like the image in the OP. The image even has an hourglass figure. Where does the “child” idea come from?
I think this article does a good job covering the hypersexualization of Japanese women and young girls.
The problem is less something inherently wrong with the anime style and more a conscious choice that is made in the anime industry. I think the issue gets illustrated by two quick googles and some scrolling.
Excluding the elderly women, your partner’s age group would probably be better represented by the middle aged women depicted in the second search. Anime isn’t inherently about hypersexualizing women and young girls, but a lot of anime studios have made that decision in their animes as part of catering to a male audience.
You know, an easier way to slove this is to ask what the general public will think, if the answer is pedo shit, you got it
Like do a poll? Or just assume I know what other people think? We should hold the anime studios to account since they create the content rather than blaming it on Japanese culture. Any culture can hypersexualize people.
You are thinking too hard about this, but if you want you can do a real life poll in your area, the internet is misleading
You are thinking too hard about this
What do you mean? I think we should hold corporations accountable.
but if you want you can do a real life poll in your area, the internet is misleading
I’m good.
Because anime is all about sexualising children? You never noticed?
Literally missed the point 🤦♀️
- Face is short and rounded
- Childlike positioning of arms and hands, which are small and thin like seen in children
- Bows in her hair
- Childlike pout
This really does look like a kid with tits. No bueno.
Ok, I will bite.
- Face is short and rounded
For this to be true her head would have to end above her eyes. Her face is clearly oval.
- Childlike positioning of arms and hands, which are small and thin like seen in children
Art which doesn’t not comfort to the anatomy of humans doesn’t exist?
- Bows in her hair
I am truly saddened by the fact that at 18 we lose “bows in hair” license 😮💨
- Childlike pout
… What’s next ? Child-like posture or walking ??
This really does look like a kid with tits.
If you would look at anatomy of adult woman and child you would notice that child’s torso sides are usually flat while woman’s have curvatures
If you want to make valid critique then you could have noted bigger head. Head on children is proportionally bigger than on adults
Gotta argue with this point
Art which doesn’t not comfort to the anatomy of humans doesn’t exist?
That’s obv not what they were saying, cuz this is obv anime. But… the hands are the size of her eyeballs, her head is bigger than her entire torso, her neck is as thin as her arms which are thinner than her pupils. Well maybe not exactly, but the point is that real children have a similar head to torso ratio (relative to adults) and thinner and smaller hands and relatively larger eyes. Anime artists know that.
The point isn’t that the proportions aren’t human, the point is that they’re exaggerated in a way that’s closer to the size of a child. So the artist can make it unrealistic, but why make it unrealistic in a way that most people would see it as child like?
You must be reading some weird manga if its messing with your ability to judge whether that’s a child.
Because of the tits.
Whyd you make me notice that, lmao bruhhh 💀
I down’t see why uwu cawn’t duwu whawt uwu wawnt. nya~
I waws bown tow “teehee nya~;3” awnd tempewed by the fiwe of “OwO”!
Youww “Lmao Bruh💀” wown’t awfwect mew UwU Becauwse i am invincibwe ÒwÓ!
lmao bruhh 💀
Thank you for the posts, greatly appreciated
speak for yourself I was born to sdfadsfsfaf
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