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Tweet by San Antonio Express-New, saying: “Sen. Rafael Edward Cruz, who uses the preferred name Ted, has introduced a bill to limit the use of preferred names and pronouns.”
lmao based headline
Especially from a Texan newspaper
the express-news, along with the newspapers in austin, corpus christi, dallas, el paso, fort worth, houston, and longview, all endorsed beto in 2018.
As always, it’s an urban vs rural divide, not a State divide.
Which is another reason everyone in charge is scared of remote work. The divide is what keeps this ridiculous political shitstorm going. I say this as a techie Texan with a permanent WFH job who used the pandemic as an excuse to move out of the city. The small town I live near now has slowly transformed from a typical R-voting small Texas town to a purpleish LGBT friendlyish badass mixed community. We still voted for that stupid pee-baby Abbott, but change is definitely in the air…
Ah, the refreshing feeling of seeing a headline from my local paper on a website and not being ashamed of what it says.
His pronouns are nazi/fascist
Oh wait sorry. Nazi’s pronouns are nazi/fascist. Sorry for misgendering!
His pronouns are actually dumbfuck/coward
Rafael also has preferred pronouns. If we aren’t allowed to use people’s preferred pronouns, do we start referring to Rafael as Rafael instead of he/him?
I can’t wait for some dipshit to reply to this thinking I actually believe this bill prevents you from using pronouns
If nobody can use preferred pronounce, just start calling all CIS males “she/her.” They would prefer to be “he/him” so obviously we can’t call them that.
“Rafael” is also a preferred name. So we better just start referring to the piece of shit descriptively.
Yeah the entire Senate should just start to only ever refer to him as Rafael.
But intentionally mispronounce it “ruh-FAIL”.
And when he inevitably gets bent out of shape over it, tell him to sit down and let the grown ups talk.
For those wondering:
“Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, legally named Rafael Edward Cruz, has introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate titled the Safeguarding Honest Speech Act. The legislation proposes prohibiting federal funds from enforcing policies requiring federal employees to use preferred pronouns or names other than an individual’s legal name”
So he just wants to stop the federal government from enforcing pronouns or aliases in government settings…?
When does the government actually FORCE or ENFORCE pronoun usage though, using government money?
Am I taking crazy pills or is he just making shit up?
*Just wanted to say I appreciate all the people replying, the implications of his bill may be more severe than I initially read into it.
Currently the federal government has to respect an employees preferred name and pronouns by law. This would be a violation of individuals rights but when did they ever care about rights.
What is the act or bill or whatever this was passed in? And is it a recent thing?
It would stop HR from protecting public employees from being harassed by coworkers or leadership who repeatedly, intentionally and maliciously misgender or deadname trans people. Or clientele for that matter. It would make enforcing policies to treat trans employees and customers with the most basic of respect in using their preferred names and pronouns. If your boss wants to call you by your dead name at every chance, they can. If the DMV clerk wants to call every trans person that comes to their counter by the wrong gender, they can. Anyone that enforces those policies, or scolds or refuses rewards or advancements to those individuals would be in violation of this law.
Is that what it’s saying in the bill though?
I could be wrong but it literally looks like he just wants to make it illegal to FUND the act of calling people their preferred pronouns, as in, not allow internal PSA’s to be made telling people they CAN do it.
It doesn’t appear to have any teeth or weight to prevent people from still respecting it if they want to.
It’s attempting to block a problem that doesn’t exist.
It might not have any teeth, but if this passes it sets precedent for bills in the future that do have teeth.
Government does have diversity and inclusion meetings, he might be going after that.
I did not know that, that’s awesome they have that and shitty if it’s part of what he’s after.
Yea, I have talked at some before, I just did the Q/A for trans veterans.
Legally, if I tell the government to call me by X name and use Y pronouns, they must respect it.
Rapheal “loves-the-feeling-of-freshly-pissed-pants” Cruz, or as he is most commonly known, Piss Pants Cruz, doesnt like mandating respect for an individuals preferred form of address.
I’ve always been partial to That Asshole Ted Cruz, but Piss Pants Cruz works.
Anyone can be, and sometimes are, That Asshole.
Only raphael Piss Pants cruz loves the warm feeling he gets when he willingly pisses into his own adult pants.
Fair enough.
The government does issue passports in people’s preferred gender. They got rid of the requirement to have any kind of medical documentation a few years ago. Maybe he’s trying to stop that, along with being a total fuckin douche in general.
No, this is classic fascist double-speak. It’s meant to make you feel like you’re taking crazy pills, unless your brain has already been rewired by fascist propaganda.
This is just performative nonsense. It has no chance of passing. But Rafael Cruz just has to let the most fucked up segment of the Republican base know that he on their side!
Wait, Ted isn’t even one of his names? Of all the names in the world he choose to go with Ted? No disrespect against anyone named Ted but there are cooler names out there…
He needed something not so ethnic sounding. Ted is pretty fucking white.
He wanted to hold a TED talk so badly but was too incompetent, so he decided on holding Ted talks instead
Haaave you met Ted?
Fortunately not and most likely never will (i’m not from the US) :D
That one was a reference to the show “How I Met Your Mother”
Is Ted not commonly used as short for Edward?
The contracted form of The Edward.
tips fedora
deleted by creator
I wouldn’t know. Sorry english is not my first language. Could you explain where the ‘T’ comes from?
It is. Like Senator Ted Kennedy.
Ted can be short for Edward.
But not too short, or he’d end up being Ron DeSantis.
I think he’s right behind DeSantis in many ways. Right on his heels…
I thought it was short for Theodore. But I guess Edward works too. I mean why not.
Is ‘Ed’ used at all? That i would understand…
Probably because no one would take Eddie Cruz or Raph Cruz seriously.
In Texas? Eddie Cruz sounds like a guy who drives an El Camino and has a cousin named Cooter. He’d have been the presidential nominee in '16.
“Did you hear about Eddie and Cooter? They running for the big house! Get in the pickup, we’re gonna go vote!”
Yeah, like Bob. Bob the builder is a productive member of society unlike Ted here.
Ted is a nickname for Edward. Don’t ask me how, but it is.
In medieval England it was trendy to make nicknames by rhyming with a shortened form
Robert -> Rob -> Bob
Richard -> Rick -> Dick
Margaret -> Meg -> Peg
William -> Will -> Bill
All being pretty common examples. This was covered pretty early on in the excellent History of English Podcast
That explains my Aunt Peggy.
Rafael is such a cool name. Wtf
It’s a little too… European for a Texan regressive.
too much of a ninja turtle?
He’s far too thin skinned and snivelling for anyone to confuse him for a hero with a shell.
By European you mean Mexican?
He probably thinking Italian.
The Mexicans of Europe.
Being named after an archangel in Texas?
As a Rafael thank you
You are welcome.
There are too many letters in “Rafael” for the average Texan to read. Ted is much easier for them
He’s the best ninja turtle
How does anyone (who doesn’t already realize what’s up) not realize the absolute absurdity of what’s going on. Like wtf. Pronouns causing problems? Better fucking LEGISLATE it. Like what? The fuck.
Conservative media has been boiling the frog on culture wars since Nixon, and by design.
No one who listens to right wing drivel realizes the absurdity because their version of politics is like football to them: a game to win with the only real consequence being their ability to shove it in people’s faces, or shoved in back in theirs.
Conservative media is designed to be that so it is trivially easy to hide actual unfavorable news from their viewers, like $14 billion disappearing over night into Isreal or their god king standing trial on actual, provable charges.
Letting people change their pronouns is really scary, almost as scary as having unfettered access to guns.
We can still call him a douche though right? . That’s my preferred name for this sac of shit.
Well a lot of misinformed people think his existence is a good thing but in reality he’s harmful to (amongst other things) the vaginal health of women so yeah, calling him a douche is fitting.
ted cruz basically gets paid by the taxpayers to do a podcast
Ted Cruz is a turd, but uhh this is false. The original outlet has even changed the headline since then.
Kind of true. This is what the bill says:
“No Federal funds may be used for the purpose of implementing, administering, or enforcing any rule…requiring an employee or contractor of any Federal agency or Department to use—(1) another person’s preferred pronouns if they are incompatible with such person’s sex; or (2) a name other than a person’s legal name when referring to such person.”
I interpret this to be an attempt to remove any training materials, HR efforts, or resolution conflict mediators from mentioning anything about gemder pronouns. The creation of any training documents or resolving any interpersonal conflict where a person calls someone by a name other than their preferred name would be strictly off limits since that time would be paid for by the government. This “protects” a harrasser’s right to free speech in the same way it protects Nazis from gathering to protest and promote racism.
Protecting free speech sounds good on paper until you delve deeper into the implications. Namely, removing limitations on hate speech in order to further suppress others. This bill is not hypocritical, as at first thought, but it is still just what you’d expect from the GOP.
Sex ≠ gender
Yes but I don’t believe that’s relevant?
I mean, it seems arguable with the info given.
Just remember, as stupid as stunts like this are, there are stupider people who eat it up.
What is the proper role of government according to conservatism?
Laws for thee, not for me.
- Enrich the ruling class as much as possible.
- Widen the class divide as much as possible.
- Eliminate the social safety net to curtail class mobility as much as possible.
Anything else that happens is merely incidental.