Not to defend this as an institution or anything, but if you and your partner do anything special, what is it?
(And yes, I am fishing for ideas haha)
As a person who believes “Valentine’s Day should be everyday”…
Small world. Me too.
Very helpful. Thanks
I couldn’t figure out how to split the gif in half. Sorry.
Partner? Special? Huh?
Make your significant other a card and a plan for another day. It’s a commercialized garbage holiday. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t have a day to do something nice. But why do it when flowers cost 4x and restaurants are packed? Make it a point to do something next week.
At least that’s what we do…
Otherwise cook, make something, go somewhere new in the city (a park, an arm museum, etc.)
Tell me more about these arm museums, please.
This one is the perfect arm museum exhibit for today!
Went with cooking, tacos a someone else suggested.
Love you all. Love yourselves today, too. ʘ‿ʘ
Looks good. Hope all went well
Tacos and margaritas at home. Couldn’t have asked for a better night.
My partner and I do all the regular couple stuff for Valentines. Write eachother cards and little gifts, a nice dinner etc. But we also spend a week or two making art together, just little drawings and what not, and we turn them all into stickers and give them to our friends like Valentines in elementary school. It’s our way of sharing the love and making the holiday more about all kinds of love, not just romantic love.
Was planning on reading blood meridian. Don’t ask.
Picking up snacks and playing Factorio with my wife.
Ohhh, nice.
The factory must grow, I think.
Ate rice pudding out the tin. Ex gf messaged me to wish me a happy valentines day and wanted to know if I am with anyone as her partner is up country working for the evening. I am seeing someone but she’s ill and im ill so just rice pudding. And payday 2 🙂
We went out for dinner last weekend. We work tomorrow and neither of us want to deal with late nights reservations, and the “Valentine’s day specials” crowds. So tonight is Lemmy and TV and video games and leftovers.
Wife and I did the same on Saturday. Restaurant was dead (we went for lunch) and got excellent service. It was a nice time away from the kids and good food to boot.
Bought my wife some tulips (her fav) while out shopping for work and that was enough for her. We had a lively conversation with the kids over leftovers and called it a night. Now it’s Lemmy and streaming on Britbox while in bed.
We ordered in from our favorite Indian joint. They’re a little expensive so it’s kind of our go-to “special occasions” treat.
My wife and I have done White Castle table service every year since we’ve been together, except for the year they didn’t do it because of covid.
It’s a lot of fun, but I don’t think there will be tables available on this short notice.
Kinda late seeing this post now, but anyway, basically nothing.
Well, OK, something special, but I haven’t even realized it was valentine’s day. I received 2 packages with following items: Linksys WRT160NL, Linksys WRT54GL, 2 Heltec LoRa 32 V3 boards with case.
First I flashed the WRT54GL with stock firmware (4.30.12) as I just wanted to have it, not really use that anymore. 4.30.12 is the oldest firmware I could find for it unfortunately, as 4.30.12 discontinued the EasyLink Advisor (edit: only LELA v1.6, sorry). But at least it has the old Linksys UI.
The WRT160NL I flashed with newest version of DD-WRT. I also accidentally broke off the remaining fragile plastic clips when opening it up, but there’s still 4 screws to hold it together. I don’t even know why those clips had to be there anyway. Oh well.
I got both for €0.05 in an auction :)
The Heltec LoRa 32 V3 boards I flashed with Meshtastic firmware, and that’s what I was playing with for rest of the day. So far I only tried range of the Short Fast preset, and as expected, it’s almost none. It can go through like 2 or 3 brick walls and I got a contact from it at 150m. Well, I guess that’s impressive enough, but it’s time to test Long Fast (default) and then even the Very Long Slow or perhaps try some manual settings.
Still though, the only person I can message is myself, as usual…I went out for dinner with an ex. They asked if we could do something since they have been having a rough go of is as of late. Good fun, plenty of conversation, the meal was okay at best but we tried some new foods and pretty much called it a night there
Nothing. Sitting on my chair just like everyday and play games or research stuff.
Just got home from work travel tonight. My wife and I had a nice dinner (she cooked and had everything ready for when I got home from the airport) - I need to stop by the store tomorrow to get her some flowers and chocolates at a post v-day discount 🫠😉
Also planning on taking her out to dinner on Friday.
Sounds very nice