Cats was the last movie my friend and I saw in theatres before the pandemic hit. To this day she will insist the release of Cats ushered in lockdowns and the End Times™️.
For a lot of people, the last movie they saw with their friends pre-pandemic was either Cats or Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic wasn’t bad, at least not Cats-level bad, but for a last outing with your friends, leaves a little to be desired. Or in the case of Cats, quite a bit to be desired.
“Yeah we’re done here.”
- The World, 2020
Release the butthole cut!
Somewhere, it exists. Someone is keeping it in hiding. It haunts that person every day. Or perhaps they are strategically holding it for future proprietary release.
I’ll bet it’s in the same vault as the movie where Jerry Lewis plays a clown in Auschwitz. t=8m50s
time stamp not working for me but go to 8 minutes 50 seconds.
And at 26:08 Jerry Lewis clearly states why he wouldn’t release the film but then near his death he signed the film ownership rights over to the Library of Congress so it might be available for public viewing as early as the year 2025.
You know what, Andrew Lloyd Weber has earned his right to lie about needing an emotional support dog.
He’s the one person allowed.
The entire point of the post is that it’s not a lie.
I can see how a complete drama queen would pretend that.
That’s why ALW is allowed it.
Not you. Make Broadway your bitch and we can talk.
I don’t think this is English
Try asking your dog to translate for you.
Or you could write coherently
James Corden is the worst part of everything.
I honestly liked him in Doctor Who. That was the first thing I ever saw him in, and both his episodes were honestly really good.
But holy ever living fuck did he nose dive from there.
Yeah, he was great as the fat idiot loser with zero rizz.
He was somewhat famous before then at least in the UK.
He got famous from a TV show called Gavin and Stacy
He was in the Reasonably Priced Car on an old episode of Top Gear and was insufferable. Slow, too.
What do people have against James Corden?
I only know him from a handful of appearances on panelshows and he seems OK. Yet, everywhere he shows up I read comments about how much people hate him.
What’s up with that?
He seems to be one of those people who’s incredibly rude to service workers. He was banned from a restaurant in NYC and the owner went off on his behavior there:
He’s unfunny, cringe in how disingenuous his attempts to be so mass appeal are, he’s a dickhead to people he deems to be beneath him like service staff in restaurants, and he ruined The Late Late Show after Craig Ferguson retired.
Put simply he is a massive asshole off screen, and is often not much better on screen
First, it’s trendy. Second, he is kind of an asshole, even on TV.
Because he was in one show in the UK that was popular and it went to his massive head. A lot of UK actors realize that if they want to do well in hollywood there is this particular level of behavior that is expected of them because they’re British (Of course that’s a stereotype, but that’s Hollywood). But he’s too dim to realize that.
People actually liked Alan Rickman which is why he was in everything.
deleted by creator
No talent ass clowns tend to draw ire. /shrug
I’m still waiting for the butthole cut. Apparently an earlier version was made and all the cats had buttholes and you can see them when they bend over and stuff
I mean cmon internet where is the buthole edit? I mean I don’t have the skill/time to do it either so I’m just as much to blame I guess.
Literally everyone who saw the trailer all said the same thing “oh god this looks like complete…oh look Taylor Swift…shit.”
And for those that actually went to see it… “shit, shit, shit, shit, HOOOOLY SHIT Jennifer Hudson just absolutely blew the doors off of ‘Memory…’ shit, shit, how is Idris Elba so aggressively naked right now even though there’s not a single visible bit of skin below his neck!?.. shit… Wow, they managed to make Dame Judy Dench bad at acting, what the hell – aaaand credits, thank God it’s over.”
Skimbleshanks was also done well.
I really enjoyed this video by Sideways about how the music in the movie is worse than you thought.
This is totally jellicle.
What’s wrong with having a dog…?
Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote and produced the Broadway musical Cats in the 1980s. The movie adaptation that was released in 2019 was beyond abysmal. Truly cringe cinema. The humor in this anecdote is based on the fact that CATS was so bad the creator bought a DOG.
Yes, I got that from the exact same thing being written out in the image. The title implies buying a dog is worse than James Cordon.
The op was just making a dig at cordon. It’s not really relevant to anything other than him being in the movie.
OPs title references the fact that Webber needed to get a therapy dog from the PTSD he developed from how badly they butchered his musical.
Nothing. It’s an attempt at irony as humor: author of cats buys dog.
Also I’m sure it’s playing off the myth that cats and dogs don’t mix.
I read this entirely in the voice of Paul F. Tompkins, my dear Scottrick